ASME B31.1 vs. ASME B31.3: Conheça os códigos de projeto de tubulação
No projeto e engenharia de tubulações, selecionar o código de tubulação apropriado é essencial para garantir segurança, eficiência e conformidade com os padrões da indústria. Dois dos códigos de projeto de tubulação mais amplamente reconhecidos são Norma ASME B31.1 e Norma ASME B31.3. Embora ambos venham da American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) e governem o projeto e a construção de sistemas de tubulação, suas aplicações diferem significativamente. Entendendo o ASME B31.1 vs. ASME B31.3 O debate é crucial para selecionar o código correto para seu projeto, seja envolvendo usinas de energia, processamento químico ou instalações industriais.
Visão geral: ASME B31.1 vs. ASME B31.3
What is ASME B31.3 or Process Piping Code?
Norma ASME B31.1 é o padrão que rege o projeto, a construção e a manutenção de sistemas de tubulação de usinas de energia. Ele se aplica a sistemas de tubulação em usinas de energia, plantas industriais e outras instalações onde a geração de energia está envolvida. Este código se concentra fortemente na integridade de sistemas que lidam com vapor de alta pressão, água e gases quentes.
Aplicações típicas: Usinas elétricas, sistemas de aquecimento, turbinas e sistemas de caldeiras.
Faixa de pressão: Sistemas de vapor e fluidos de alta pressão.
Faixa de temperatura: Serviço de alta temperatura, especialmente para aplicações de vapor e gás.
What is ASME B31.1 or Power Piping Code?
Norma ASME B31.3 applies to the design and construction of piping systems used in chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. It governs systems that transport chemicals, gases, or liquids under different pressure and temperature conditions, often including hazardous materials. This code also covers the associated support systems and the safety considerations of handling chemicals and dangerous substances.
Aplicações típicas: Plantas de processamento químico, refinarias, instalações farmacêuticas, fábricas de alimentos e bebidas.
Faixa de pressão: Geralmente menor que a faixa de pressão da ASME B31.1, dependendo dos tipos de fluidos e sua classificação.
Faixa de temperatura: varies depending nos fluidos químicos, mas é tipicamente menor do que as condições extremas em Norma ASME B31.1.
Difference Between ASME B31.3 and ASME B31.1 (ASME B31.3 vs ASME B31.1)

ASME B31.3 vs ASME B31.1
Sr No | Parâmetro | ASME B31.3-Process Piping | ASME B31.1-Power Piping |
1 | Escopo | Provides rules for Process or Chemical Plants | Provides rules for Power Plants |
2 | Basic Allowable Material Stress | Basic allowable material stress value is higher (For example the allowable stress value for A 106 B material at 250 Deg C is 132117.328 Kpa as per ASME B31.3) | Basic allowable material stress value is lower (For example the allowable stress value for A 106 B material at 250 Deg C is 117900.344 Kpa as per ASME B31.3) |
3 | Allowable Sagging (Sustained) | The ASME B31.3 code does not specifically limit allowable sagging. An allowable sagging of up to 15 mm is generally acceptable. ASME B31.3 does not provide a suggested support span. | ASME B31.1 clearly specifies the allowable sagging value as 2.5 mm. Table 121.5-1 of ASME B31.1 provides suggested support span. |
4 | SIF on Reducers | Process Piping Code ASME B31.3 does not use SIF (SIF=1.0) for reducer stress calculation | Power Piping code ASME B31.1 uses a maximum SIF of 2.0 for reducers while stress calculation. |
5 | Factor of Safety | ASME B31.3 uses a factor of safety of 3; relatively lower than ASME B31.1. | ASME B31.1 uses a safety factor of 4 to have higher reliability as compared to Process plants |
6 | SIF for Butt Welded Joints | ASME B31.3 uses a SIF of 1.0 for buttwelded joints | ASME B31.1 uses a SIF of up to 1.9 max in stress calculation. |
7 | Approach towards SIF | ASME B31.3 uses a complex in-plane, out-of-plane SIF approach. | ASME B31.1 uses a simplified single SIF Approach. |
8 | Maximum values of Sc and Sh | As per the Process Piping code, the maximum value of Sc and Sh are limited to 138 Mpa or 20 ksi. | For the Power piping code, the maximum value of Sc and Sh are 138 Mpa only if the minimum tensile strength of the material is 70 ksi (480Mpa); otherwise, it depends on the values provided in the mandatory appendix A as per temperature. |
9 | Allowable Stress for Occasional Stresses | The allowable value of occasional stress is 1.33 times Sh | As per ASME B31.1, the allowable value of occasional stress is 1.15 to 1.20 times Sh |
10 | The equation for Pipe Wall Thickness Calculation | The equation for pipe wall thickness calculation is valid for t<D/6 | There is no such limitation in the Power piping wall thickness calculation. However, they add a limitation on maximum design pressure. |
11 | Section Modulus, Z for Sustained and Occasional Stresses | While Sustained and Occasional stress calculation the Process Piping code reduces the thickness by corrosion and other allowances. | ASME B31.1 calculates the section modulus using nominal thickness. Thickness is not reduced by corrosion and other allowances. |
12 | Rules for material usage below -29 Deg. C | ASME B31.3 provides extensive rules for the use of materials below -29 degrees C | The power piping code provides no such rules for pipe materials below -29 degrees C. |
13 | Maximum Value of Cyclic Stress Range Factor | The maximum value of cyclic stress range factor f is 1.2 | The maximum value of is 1.0 |
14 | Allowance for Pressure Temperature Variation | As per clause 302.2.4 of ASME B31.3, occasional pressure temperature variation can exceed the allowable by (a) 33% for no more than 10 hours at any one time and no more than 100 hours/year, or (b) 20% for no more than 50 hours at any one time and no more than 500 hours/year. | As per clause 102.2.4 of ASME B31.1, occasional pressure temperature variation can exceed the allowable by (a) 15% if the event duration occurs for no more than 8 hours at any one time and not more than 800 hours/year or (b) 20% if the event duration occurs for not more than 1 hour at any one time and not more than 80 hour/year. |
15 | Design de vida | Process Piping is normally designed for 20 to 30 years of service life. | Power Piping is generally designed for 40 years or more of service life. |
16 | PSV reaction force | ASME B31.3 does not provide specific equations for PSV reaction force calculation. | ASME B31.1 provides specific equations for PSV reaction force calculation. |
A diferença crítica na ASME B31.1 vs. ASME B31.3 o debate está nas aplicações da indústria, nos requisitos de materiais e nas considerações de segurança. Norma ASME B31.1 é ideal para geração de energia e sistemas de alta temperatura, com foco na integridade mecânica. Ao mesmo tempo, Norma ASME B31.3 is tailored for the chemical and process industries, emphasizing the safe handling of hazardous materials and chemical compatibility. By understanding the distinctions between these two standards, you can decide which code best suits your project’s requirements, ensuring compliance and safety throughout the project’s lifecycle. Whether you are involved in power plant design or system’ processing, choosing the correct piping code is crucial for a successful project.