Material Selection Guidelines

How to Select Materials: Material Selection Guidelines


Material selection is a critical step in ensuring the reliability, safety, and performance of equipment across industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, marine engineering, aerospace, and many more. The right material can prevent corrosion, withstand extreme temperatures, and maintain mechanical integrity in harsh environments. Steels and alloys such as carbon steels, alloy steels, stainless steels, nickel, titanium, and various high-performance superalloys like Inconel, Monel, and Hastelloy offer specific advantages that make them ideal for these demanding applications. This blog provides a comprehensive overview of material selection guidelines, focusing on key materials and their suitability based on corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, and temperature capabilities. By understanding these properties, engineers and decision-makers can optimize material selection to ensure long-term performance and operational efficiency.

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 1 – List of Abbreviations

API American Petroleum Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Material
CA Corrosion Allowance
CAPEX Capital Expenditures
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CMM Corrosion Monitoring Manual
CRA Corrosion-Resistant Alloy
CRAS Corrosion Risk Assessment Study
Cr Steel Chrome Stainless Steel
22Cr Duplex Stainless Steel type 2205 (for example UNS S31803/S32205)
25Cr Super duplex stainless steel 2507 (for example UNS S32750)
CS Carbon Steel
CTOD Crack Tip Opening Displacement
DSS Duplex Stainless Steels
ENP Electroless Nickel Plating
EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HV Vickers Hardness
HIC Hydrogen-Induced Cracking
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide
ISO International Organization of Standardization
LTCS Low-Temperature Carbon Steel
MCA Materials and Corrosion Audit
MSDs Materials Selection Diagrams
MSR Material Selection Report
N.A. Not Applicable
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
OPEX Operating Expenditures
PFDs Process Flow Diagrams
pH Hydrogen Number
PMI Positive Material Identification
PREN Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number = %Cr + 3.3 (%Mo+0.5 %W) + 16 %N
(C-)PVC (Chlorinated) Polyvinyl Chloride
PWHT Post-Weld Heat Treatment
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RBI Risk-based inspection
SAW Submerged arc welded
SDSS Super Duplex Stainless Steel
SOR Statement of Requirement
SOW Scope of Work
SS Stainless Steel
WPQR Welding Procedure Qualification Record
UFDs Utility Flow Diagrams

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 2 – Normative References

Ref. Document No. Title
(1) ASTM A262 Standard practice for detecting susceptibility to intergranular attack
(2) NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production
(3) NACE SP0407 Format, content, and guidelines for developing a materials selection diagram
(4) ISO 21457 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Materials selection corrosion control for oil and gas production systems
(5) NACE TM0177 Laboratory testing of metals for resistance to sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion
(6) NACE TM0316 Four-point bend testing of materials for oil and gas applications
(7) NACE TM0284 Standard test method – evaluation of pipeline and pressure vessel steels for resistance to hydrogen-induced cracking
(8) API 6DSS Specification for subsea pipeline valves
(9) API RP 945 Avoiding environmental cracking in Amine units
(10) API RP 571 Damage mechanisms affecting fixed equipment in the refining industry
(11) ASTM A263 Standard specification for stainless chromium steel-clad plate
(12) ASTM A264 Standard specification for stainless chromium-nickel steel-clad plate
(13) ASTM A265 Standard specification for nickel and nickel-base alloy-clad steel plate
(14) ASTM A578 Standard specification for straight-beam ultrasonic examination of rolled steel plates for special applications
(15) ASTM A153 Standard Specification for Zinc coating (hot-dip) on iron and steel hardware
(16) NACE MR0103/ISO 17945 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Metallic materials resistant to sulfide stress cracking in corrosive petroleum refining environments
(17) ASTM A672 Standard specification for electric-fusion-welded steel pipe for high-pressure service at moderate temperatures
(18) NACE SP0742 Methods and controls to prevent in-service environmental cracking of carbon steel weldments in corrosive petroleum refining environments
(19) API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
(20) NACE SP0304 Design, installation, and operation of thermoplastic liners for oilfield pipelines
(21) DNV RP O501 Erosive wear in piping systems

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 5 – Parameters Used for Corrosion Evaluation

Parameter Units
Design Life Years
Operating Temperature Range °C
Pipe Diameter mm
Design Pressure MPa
Dewpoint Temperature °C
Gas to Oil Ratio (GOR) SCF / SBO
Gas, Oil & Water Flow Rate tonnes/day
CO2 Content & partial pressure Mole % / ppm
H2S Content & partial pressure Mole % / ppm
Water Content %
pH N.A.
Chloride Content ppm
Oxygen ppm/ppb
Sulfur wt% / ppm
Mercury wt% / ppm
Acetic Acid Concentration mg/l
Bicarbonate Concentration mg/l
Calcium Concentration mg/l
Sand/Solid Particle Content (Erosion) kg/hour
Potential for Microbially Induced Corrosion (MIC) N.A.

It is COMPANY policy to use Carbon Steel (CS) whenever possible for the construction of production systems, processing equipment and pipelines. A Corrosion Allowance (CA), adequate for the asset to achieve the required service life is provided to accommodate corrosion (Section 11.2), and wherever feasible, corrosion inhibition (Section 11.4) is supplied to reduce the risk of pitting and reduce the rate of corrosion.

Where the use of CS is not a technical and economic option and/or where a failure by corrosion would pose an acceptable risk to personnel, the environment, or COMPANY assets, Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) may be used. Alternatively, if the service life corrosion of CS with inhibitor treatment exceeds 6 mm, CRA will be selected (Solid or Clad CRA). Selection of a CRA should ensure that the optimum alloy is selected based on cost-performance criteria. A material selection flow diagram is shown in Figure 1 to outline the process by which material selection alternate to CS may be justified.

Figure 1 – Material Selection Flow Diagram

Figure 1 – Material Selection Flow Diagram

Material Selection Guidelines: Corrosion Allowance

CA, for CS, shall be specified based on anticipated corrosion rates or material degradation rates under the most severe combination of process parameters. Specifying CA should be properly engineered and justified noting that when short-term material performance or transient conditions are anticipated to increase general or localized corrosion risks, upset duration shall be estimated based on prorated corrosion rates. Based on these, extra corrosion allowances may be required. Therefore, the CRAS needs to be carried out at an early stage of the project.

The CA itself shall not be considered as an assured corrosion control measure. It shall be considered only as a measure to provide time to detect measure and assess the rate of corrosion.

Depending on the Project’s requirements and conditions, the permittable CA can be increased above 6 mm where the estimated corrosion rate exceeds 0.25 mm/y. However, this will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. When corrosion allowances are excessive, material upgrades shall be considered and evaluated. The selection of CRA should ensure that the optimum alloy is selected based on the cost-performance criterion.

The following guidelines shall be used to specify the level of CA:

  • The CA is the product of multiplying the estimated corrosion rate of the selected material by the design life (including possible life extension), rounded to the nearest 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mm.
  • Corrosion due to CO2 can be assessed using COMPANY-approved corrosion models such as ECE- 4 & 5, Predict 6.
  • The corrosion rate used to estimate the CA shall be based on past plant experience and the available published data for process conditions which should include:
    • Corrosivity of fluid, for example, the presence of water combined with hydrogen sulfide (sour corrosion), CO2 (sweet corrosion), oxygen, bacteriological activity, temperature and pressures;
  • Velocity of fluid that determines the flow regime in the pipeline;
  • Deposition of solids that may prevent adequate protection by inhibitors and create conditions for the growth of bacteria; and
  • Conditions that may cause pipe wall
  • CS and low alloy steel of pressure parts shall have a minimum of 3.0 mm. In special cases 1.5 mm may be specified with COMPANY approval; considering the design life of the item under consideration. Examples of mild or non-corrosive services, where 5 mm CA may be specified, are steam, deaerated boiler feed water (< 10 ppb O2), treated (non-corrosive, chloride controlled, bacteria free) fresh cooling water, dry compressed air, hydrocarbons containing no water, LPG, LNG, dry natural gas, etc. Nozzles and manhole necks shall have the same CA as specified for the pressure-containing equipment.
  • Maximum CA shall be 6.0 mm. Depending on the Project’s requirements and conditions, the permittable CA can be increased above 6 mm where the estimated corrosion rate exceeds 0.25 mm/y. However, this will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. When corrosion allowances are excessive, a material upgrade shall be considered and the Selection of CRA should ensure that the optimum alloy is selected based on the cost-performance criterion.
  • The layout of the installation and its effect on the flow rate (including dead legs).
  • Failure probabilities, failure modes, and failure consequences for human health, environment, safety, and material assets, are all determined by carrying out a risk assessment not only for Materials but for other disciplines as well.
  • Access to maintenance and

For the final materials selection, the following additional factors shall be included in the evaluation:

  • Priority shall be given to materials with good market availability and documented fabrication and service performance, for example, weldability, and inspection ability;
  • The number of different materials shall be minimized considering stock, costs, interchangeability, and availability of relevant spare parts;
  • Strength to weight (for offshore); and
  • Frequency of pigging/cleaning. No CA shall be required for:
  • The backing material of items with alloy cladding or weld
  • On the gasket facing of
  • For CRAs. However, for CRAs in erosive service, a 1 mm CA shall be specified. This shall be addressed and supported by erosion modelling via DNV RP O501 [Ref. (e)(21)] (or similar models when approved for use by the COMPANY).

Note: When short-term or transient conditions are anticipated to increase general or localized corrosion risks, upset duration shall be estimated based on prorated corrosion rates. Based on these, higher corrosion allowances may be required. Additionally, CRA piping or CRA internally clad/lined piping shall be used for areas of high fluid velocity and expected erosion-corrosion.

Material Selection Guidelines: Metallic Cladding

To mitigate the risk of corrosion where corrosion rates are over a 6 mm CA, it may be suitable to specify a CS parent material with a layer of CRA cladding or weld overlay material. Where there is any doubt the specifier of materials shall seek advice from COMPANY. Where CRA cladding of vessels is specified or CRA cladding is applied by explosive weld bonding, metallic roll bonding, or weld overlay, SSC resistant quality base plate is required, but HIC resistant base plate is not required.

If explosion bonding or roll bonding is the selected option, a minimum thickness of 3 mm shall be achieved across 100% of the parent material. If overlay is the selected option, there should be a minimum of 2 passes and a minimum thickness of 3 mm shall be achieved. If there is a weldability issue, then explosive bonding can be considered.

Common cladding materials include:

  • 316SS (type 317SS may be specified where there is a higher risk of chloride pitting);
  • Alloy 904;
  • Alloy 825 (limited to roll bonding as welding may result in inferior corrosion resistance in clad plate); and
  • Alloy

Where the thickness of the vessel is relatively thin (up to 20 mm), a lifecycle cost analysis shall be used to decide whether a solid CRA material selection is more commercially viable. This shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Clad or lined pipe may be used for flowlines that transport highly corrosive fluids. The requirements of API 5LD apply. For economic reasons, these pipelines will be of modest diameter and short length. Clad pipe is formed from a steel plate that has a 3 mm layer of CRA bonded to its internal surface. The CRA clad can be either metallurgically bonded, co-extruded, or weld overlaid, or for subsea applications, process/mechanical bonding can be used when depressurizing risk is low. For welded pipe specification CRA cladded pipe is formed to the pipe and the seam is welded with CRA consumables.

The CONTRACTOR shall issue separate specifications based on existing COMPANY-specific specifications for alloy clad or weld overlay on CS, covering the requirements for the design, fabrication, and inspection of applied lining and integral cladding for pressure vessels and heat exchangers. The ASTM specifications A263, A264, A265, A578, and E164, and NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 may be used for reference.

Material Selection Guidelines: Application of Corrosion Inhibitor

Selection of corrosion inhibitor and evaluation shall be as per the Company’s Procedure. For design purposes, 95% corrosion inhibition efficiency shall be assumed for gas condensate and 90% for oil. Additionally, during design, the inhibitor availability shall be based on 90% availability, during the operational phase the minimum inhibitor availability shall be >90%. The inhibitor availability shall be specified during the FEED stage on a project-to-project basis. However, the use of corrosion inhibitors shall not act as a substitute for NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 sour service material selection requirements.

To enable the effectiveness of the inhibition system to be verifiable during operation, the following shall be included in the design:

  • The locations of the highest potential corrosion
  • Accessibility of high potential corrosion rate locations for wall thickness measurement during
  • Ability to take samples for solids/debris
  • Corrosion measurement equipment should be used to monitor the effectiveness of the inhibition
  • Facilities to allow iron counts should be included in the design for monitoring inhibited

Provision shall be made in the design so that the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI) can be measured and trended for inhibited systems:

  • The number of hours the inhibition system is not
  • Actual injected concentration compared with target injection
  • Inhibitor residual concentration compared to target
  • Average corrosion rate as compared to target inhibited corrosion
  • Changes in corrosion rate or dissolved iron levels as a function of
  • Unavailability of corrosion monitoring

Material Selection Guidelines: Material for Sour Service

Materials selection for piping and equipment for use in H2S-containing environments shall comply with the latest COMPANY Specification for Materials in Sour Environments and be verified to NACE MR0175/ISO15156 for upstream processes and NACE MR0103/ISO 17945 for downstream processes.

316L SS shall be considered for most sour services except where higher temperatures >60 °C occur together with a high H2S and chloride content of the fluid, however, this will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For operating conditions outside of these limitations, higher alloy materials may be considered in compliance with NACE MR0175/ISO15156. Additionally, consideration should be given to vapor separation where the chloride content carryover will be reduced.

316L SS cladding may be considered for vessels when following the environmental and materials limits from Table A2 in ISO 15156, part 3. Vessels clad with 316L must be allowed to cool below 60 °C before opening as there is a risk of chloride stress cracking of the cladding when exposed to oxygen. For operating conditions outside of these limitations, higher alloy materials may be considered in compliance with NACE MR0175/ISO15156. Cladding shall be inspected to ensure that it is continuous over 100% of the complete surface including any nozzles and any other attachments.

Steel for sour service piping shall be HIC resistant have a sulfur content <0.01% and be secondary treated with calcium for inclusion shape control. Steel for longitudinally welded pipe shall have a sulfur content <0.003% and be secondary treated with calcium for inclusion shape control.

Specific guidelines for bolting in sour service environments can be found in the bolting section of this guideline; Section 12.8.

When sour service requirements are specified by the purchaser, the following shall apply:

  • All materials shall be marked to ensure full traceability to melt and heat treatment
  • Heat treatment For tempered conditions, tempering temperature shall be stated.
  • The supplementary suffix ‘S’ shall be used to designate a material delivered in accordance with the MDS plus the additional supplementary requirements for sour service excluding HIC testing and UT examination.
  • The supplementary suffix ‘SH’ shall be used to designate a material delivered in accordance with the MDS including the additional supplementary requirements for sour service plus HIC testing and UT
  • The material manufacturer shall have a quality system certified in accordance with ISO 9001 or another quality requirements standard accepted by the purchaser.
  • The inspection documents shall be issued in accordance with ISO 10474 /EN 10204 Type 1 and shall confirm compliance with this specification.
  • Fully killed materials must be
  • For sour service pipe, materials shall comply with the requirements of API 5L Annex H – PSL2. For severe sour service, low strength normalized grades are specified, limited up to X65 grades.
  • Sour service testing is required on both base material and weldments and routine testing for SSC and HIC shall accord with NACE TM0177 and NACE TM0284. Testing for SOHIC and soft zone cracking may require full ring testing with the welds produced using the actual manufacturing weld Four-point bend testing shall be carried out in accordance with NACE TM0316.
  • Hardness as per ISO 15156 for upstream, and NACE MR0173/NACE SP0742 for

Material Selection Guidelines: Specific Considerations

The following list contains specific material selection considerations that are not specific to any given system and shall be applied to all COMPANY Projects:

  • The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for the material selection made by any LICENSOR I in any packaged equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall provide for all information including MSDs, material selection philosophies, CRAS, RBI, and MCA in line with this specification for COMPANY approval. Any change of material will be warranted under the CONTRACTOR.
  • Attention shall be given to the fracture toughness properties of pipe materials to prevent the possibility of brittle fracture.
  • Aluminum bronze material shall not be used in welded parts because of poor weldability and maintenance problems.
  • Electroless Nickel Plating (ENP) shall not be used unless approved by
  • Material for the Lube and Seal Oil system shall be SS316L if its suitability is
  • Rubber linings in water boxes of surface condensers and other exchangers shall not be used without COMPANY approval.
  • Use of GRE/HDPE material for low-pressure oil and gas, water, oily, and stormwater, drains within acceptable service parameters and loading (when buried) limits by manufacturer is permitted with COMPANY’s approval.
  • The design of any heat exchangers shall be based on their process requirements. Therefore, material selection is bespoke for all heat exchangers and cannot/should not be standardized.
  • Stainless steel 304, 304L shall not be used as an external material application where it’s not suitable for the humid laden atmosphere of UAE.
FBE Coated Pipeline

FBE Coated Pipeline

Material Selection Guidelines: Specific Applications and Systems

This section gives material guidelines for specific systems that are present within the COMPANY’s range of facilities including its upstream (both onshore and offshore) and downstream (refinery) assets. An overview

of the units found within these facilities, the material options, potential damage mechanisms, and mitigation for such mechanisms are given in the following tables. Further detail for each unit is given throughout the remainder of this Section. For further details on the listed corrosion mechanisms, see API RP 571.

Note: Material options given in this section shall be taken as a guideline only. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for project-specific material selection throughout each phase of the Project through the deliverables specified in Section 10.

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 6 – Material Recommendations for Upstream Process Equipment and Piping

Service Material Options Damage Mechanisms Mitigation
Wellhead rigid spools/Jumper and Manifolds CS+CRA Cladding, CRA, CS+CA CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (CSCC) Material Selection.
(When Corrosion Inhibition is deemed ineffective at such locations/highly corrosive service/CRA clad option recommended)
Design for sour service.
UNS N06625/UNS N08825 clad option.
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 sour service requirements apply for sour service.
Pipeline/Flowline CS+CA Hydrogen embrittlement, CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, CSCC, MIC Cathodic protection and coating to protect buried metallic section.
Use of biocide corrosion inhibitor, and pig/scrapper.
Periodic Inline Inspection (Intelligent Pigging) to measure wall thickness and periodic cleaning using appropriate cleaning pig.
Wet Hydrocarbon Gas CS+CA
(+CA/CRA Cladding), 316SS, DSS, SDSS
CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, CSCC, chloride pitting, Material Selection
Design for sour service
TOL corrosion is to be assessed, and mitigation is to specify CRA clad when corrosion allowance exceeds 6mm.
Use of corrosion inhibitor NACE MR0175 /ISO 15156 sour service requirements apply for sour service.
Selection at the inlet is predominantly based on sour service requirements
Dry Hydrocarbon Gas CS+CA (+CRA Cladding), 316SS CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage. Material Selection
Ensure operation is within specified conditions envelope
Corrosion monitoring is vital to ensure gas remains dry. CA may be required if periods of wetness are possible.
Stabilized Condensate CS+CA CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, MIC Material Selection
Monitoring of bacterial activity
Produced Water CS+CA, 316SS, DSS, SDSS. CS+CRA liner, CS+CRA (metallurgical bonded) CO2 Corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, CSCC, MIC, O2 corrosion Material selection
Design to prevent oxygen ingress
Use of biocide, O2 scavenger, and corrosion inhibitor
CS + internal lining may be selected for vessels.
Specification of pipe material is highly dependent on process/fluid conditions.
NACE MR0175 /ISO 15156 sour service requirements apply for sour service.
Export Oil/Gas Export/Feed Gas CS+CA CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, MIC Material Selection
For Gas export Dew point temperature monitoring
If gas export is considered ‘wet’, an upgrade to CRA (clad /solid) material may be required based on corrosion assessment results.
Gas Dehydration (TEG) CS+CA, 316SS, CS+CRA Corrosion from acid condensation in still column overheads Material selection is licensor-driven; however, the responsibility lies with the CONTRACTOR.
Injection Chemicals (for example corrosion inhibitors) CS(+CA), 316SS, C-PVC  Chemical compatibility, corrosion. Materials selection shall be discussed with VENDOR/SUPPLIER in terms of chemical compatibility.
Mercury Removal CS+CA CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, CSCC, chloride pitting
*Liquid metal embrittlement
Material selection
*Aluminium or copper-bearing titanium alloys shall not be used where there is a risk of liquid mercury.
Amine CS+CA/CRA Cladding, 316SS CO2 corrosion, wet H2S damage, Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking (ASCC), amine corrosion, erosion (from heat-stable salts) Suitable operation velocities, temperatures for the designed system, and regular sampling to check for amine salts.
Rich amine shall be 316SS.
The vessel’s internal shall be 316SS. Velocity limits.
PWHT shall be specified for CS to prevent ASCC when the design temperature is > 53°C. PWHT temperature to be used shall be as per API RP945.
Flare CS+CA, 316SS
*310SS, 308SS, Alloy 800, Alloy 625
Low-temperature fracture, atmospheric corrosion, creep rupture (thermal fatigue),
CS + lining is an option for flare drums 
Design for both minimum and maximum design temperature
Issue of low-temperature brittle fracture to be addressed.
Internal corrosion mechanisms are more likely in marine environments.
* materials for flare tip.
PLR (PIG Launcher Receiver) CS+Weld overlay for sealing surface CO2 corrosion, Wet H2S Damage, under-deposit corrosion, MIC,
Dead Leg Corrosion
Material selection Periodic Inspection
Use of biocide and corrosion inhibitor.

Table 7 – Material Recommendations for Downstream Process Equipment and Piping

Service Material Options Damage Mechanisms Mitigation
Crude Oil Unit CS, 5Cr-1/2 Mo, 9Cr-1Mo, 12Cr, 317L, 904L, or other alloys with higher Mo (to avoid NAC), CS+SS Clad Sulfur attack, Sulfidation, naphthenic acid corrosion (NAC), wet H2S damage, HCL corrosion Material Selection Desalting
Flow velocity limit.
Use of corrosion inhibitor
Fluid Catalytic Cracking CS + CA, 1Cr-1/2Mo, 2-1/4Cr-1Mo, 5Cr and 9Cr Steels, 12Cr SS, 300 series SS, 405/410SS, alloy 625
Internal erosion/insulating refractory linings
Catalyst Erosion
High-Temperature Sulfidation, High-Temperature Carburisation, Creep, Creep embrittlement, Ploythionic Acid Stress corrosion cracking. High-temperature graphitization, High-temperature oxidation.
885°F Embrittlement.
Material selection Erosion-resistant lining
Design minimum turbulence of catalyst and catalyst carryover
FCC Light End Recovery CS + CA (+ 405/410SS Cladding), DSS, alloy C276, alloy 825 Corrosion caused by the combination of aqueous H2S, ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide (HCN),
Wet H2S damage-SSC, SOHIC, HIC ammonium stress corrosion cracking, carbonate stress corrosion cracking
Material selection
Polysulfide injection into wash water to lower HCN content.
Velocity limit
Corrosion inhibitor injection. Prevention of oxygen ingress
Sulphuric Acid
CS + CA, Low Alloy Steel, alloy 20, 316SS, C-276 Sulphuric acid corrosion, Hydrogen grooving, acid dilution, fouling, CUI. Material selection – however higher alloys are uncommon
Velocity control (CS- 0.6m/s – 0.9m/s, 316L limited to 1.2m/sec)
Acid Tanks as per NACE SP0294
Antifouling injection
Hydro-processing CS, 1Cr-1/2Mo, 2-1/4Cr-1Mo, 18Cr-8Ni SS, 316SS, 321, 347SS, 405/410SS, alloy 20, alloy 800/825, Monel 400 High-Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA), Sulfidation by Hydrogen-H2S mixtures, Wet H2S damage, CSCC, naphthenic acid corrosion, ammonium bisulfide corrosion. Material selection as per API 941- HTHA.
Velocity control (high enough to maintain fluid distribution)
PWHT as per ASME VIII / B31.3
Catalytic Reforming 1-1/4Cr-0.5Mo, 2-1/4Cr-0.5Mo, Creep cracking, HTHA, SSC- Ammonia, SSC- chlorides, hydrogen embrittlement, ammonium chloride corrosion, creep rupture Material selection as per API 941- HTHA. Hardness control, PWHT
Delayed Coker 1-1/4Cr-.0.5Mo clad with 410S or 405SS, 5Cr-Mo or  9Cr-Mo steels, 316L, 317L High-temperature sulfur corrosion, naphthenic acid corrosion, High-Temperature oxidation/carburization/sulfidation, Erosion- corrosion, Aqueous corrosion (HIC, SOHIC, SSC, Ammonium chloride/ bisulfite, CSCC), CUI, Thermal Fatigue (thermal cycling) Minimise stress raisers, Cr-Mo steel of Fine grain, Good toughness properties.
Amine CS + CA /
CS+ 316L Cladding, 316SS
CO2 corrosion, wet H2S damage, Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking (ASCC), rich amine corrosion, erosion (from heat-stable salts) See Amine in Table 6.
Sulphur Recovery
(Licensed Units)
CS, 310SS, 321SS, 347SS, Sulfidation of carbon steel, Wet H2S damage/ cracking, (SSC, HIC, SOHIC), weak acids corrosion, Operating piping above dew point temperature to avoid severe corrosion of CS.
PWHT of welds to avoid cracking Hardness control
HIC-resistant steel.


Pipeline material will be in accordance with existing COMPANY-specific Pipeline Material Specifications. Carbon steel + corrosion allowance shall be the default material. The corrosion allowance shall be as high as possible as consideration for operation well beyond the design life and will be decided on a case-by-case basis on each Project. Pipeline coatings are specified in AGES-SP-07-002, the External Pipeline Coatings Specification.

The use of corrosion inhibitors in hydrocarbon pipeline systems with condensed water is recommended and shall be the default option for sub-sea pipelines. i.e. CS + CA + Corrosion Inhibitor. Additional corrosion management techniques such as Pigging, CP, etc. shall be considered. Selection and evaluation of corrosion inhibitors shall be as per the Company’s procedure.

The selection of a CRA option for the pipeline must be evaluated thoroughly via Life Cycle Costing analysis. HSE considerations of cost of chemicals and corrosion management techniques, logistics of transporting and handling chemicals, shall all be built into the analysis, as well as inspection requirements.

Hydrocarbon Piping

Material selection for process piping shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR as per the requirements of Section 11. Material guidelines per service are given for both upstream and downstream facilities in the prior table 6 and 7, respectively. All welds and acceptance criteria shall be conducted according to the requirements of ASME B31.3. Piping material shall be specified by piping in conformance to ADNOC piping material specification AGES-SP-09-002.

Particular and separate material selection may be required for dead legs whereas a CRA or CRA cladding may be required for corrosion control in areas of stagnant flow. However, the piping design should consider avoiding dead legs to reduce the probability and severity of corrosion. Where dead legs cannot be avoided, internal coating, dosing with inhibitors and biocides, and periodic corrosion monitoring are recommended. This is also applicable to static equipment.

During design, care shall be taken, particularly by piping discipline, not to have SS in contact with galvanized parts, to avoid zinc embrittlement. This is a concern at temperatures where Zn can diffuse, such as in welding operations.

Utility Systems

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 8 – Material Selection Guidelines for Utility Services

Service Material Options Damage Mechanisms Mitigation
Fuel Gas CS, 316SS If fuel gas is wet: CO2 corrosion, chloride pitting, CSCC, wet H2S damage Material Selection
Controlled operation conditions during start-up when alternate fuel gas may be used.
Inert Gas CS + min. CA General contaminants from fuel gas product Material selection (level corrosion is dependent on what inert gas is used, for example, fuel gas from exhaust.)
Diesel Fuel CS + CA, 316SS,CS + CA+ Lining
*Cast Iron
Risk of contaminants CS + Lining is suitable for tanks
*Pumps shall be cast iron.
Instrument/Plant Air Galvanized CS, 316 SS Atmospheric corrosion Controlled filtration
Nitrogen Galvanized CS, 316SS None, corrosion may come from O2 ingress during blanketing operations Upgrade spec where ingress is more likely, or cleanliness is required
Hypochlorite CS + PTFE lining, C-PVC, C-276, Ti Crevice corrosion, oxidization Material selection
Dosing/temperature control
Sewage 316 SS, GRP Chloride Pitting, CSCC, CO2 corrosion, O2 corrosion, MIC Material selection
Fresh Water Epoxy-coated CS, CuNi, Copper, Non-metallic O2 corrosion, MIC Cleanliness monitoring/use of biocide if not used for potable water
Cooling Water CS + CA, Non-metallic Cooling water corrosion Use of O2 scavenger and corrosion inhibitor
Mixed glycol-water cooling systems in contact with CS components are known to cause corrosion. Glycol should be mixed with a corrosion inhibitor.
Seawater CS + lining, SDSS, Alloy 625, Ti, CuNi, GRP Chloride Pitting, CSCC, O2 corrosion, crevice corrosion, MIC Material selection
Temperature control
Demineralized Water Epoxy-coated CS, 316SS, Non-metallic O2 corrosion Material selection
Potable Water Non-metallic (for Example C-PVC/HDPE), Cu, CuNi, 316 SS MIC Sacrificial anodes shall not be used in potable water systems.
Firewater CuNi, CS+3mmCA(minimum)+internal coating, GRVE, GRE, HDPE Chloride Pitting, CSCC, O2 corrosion, crevice corrosion, MIC Corrosion mechanisms dependent on firewater medium.
The non-metallic option needs to consider fire hazard risk
Open Drains Non-metallic
CS + epoxy lining
Chloride Pitting, CSCC, O2 corrosion, crevice corrosion, MIC, atmospheric corrosion Piping from clad vessels shall be CRA.
Closed Drains CS + CA, 316SS, DSS, SDSS, CS +CRA Clad CO2 corrosion Wet H2S Damage, CSCC, crevice corrosion, O2 corrosion, ASCC, MIC Material selection
  • Fuel Gas

Fuel gas is either supplied as dried gas from downstream of the dehydration columns, like export gas, or as separated low-pressure gas that is not completely dried and may be heated to prevent water condensation in the delivery piping.

Dried gas will be transported in CS pipes with a nominal CA of 1 mm and will not be inhibited. Depressurization temperature must be analyzed, and if it is lower than -29 °C, low-temperature CS must be specified. Undried fuel gas should be treated similarly to produced wet gas (anything <10 °C above the dewpoint). If cleanliness is required, then 316 SS should be specified.

  • Inert Gas

Considered noncorrosive. See Table 8.

  • Diesel Fuel

Considered non-corrosive and CS is suitable, however, may contain some contamination depending on diesel quality. In such cases, diesel storage tanks fabricated in CS with a 3 mm CA shall be required to be internally coated to prevent corrosion and precipitation of corrosion products into the diesel that may interfere with equipment. The complete tank should be coated as condensation on the upper surface can also produce corrosion products. The alternative is to use tanks fabricated from a non-metallic such as GRP.

  • Instrument/Plant Air & Nitrogen

Galvanized CS is commonly used for high-quality air and nitrogen systems for larger-diameter piping and 316 SS for smaller-diameter piping, despite its non-corrosiveness. Where ingress of moisture may be present, or cleanliness is required downstream of any filters, the alternative option of 316 SS shall be considered throughout. DSS connectors and fittings should be used.

  • Fresh Water

If treated (as defined in Section 11.2), CS with a CA is allowable. If untreated, freshwater systems should be upgraded to a suitable CRA or CS with CRA cladding.

Potable water should be stored in CS tanks that are internally coated with a coating acceptable to health standards or in tanks fabricated from GRP. When GRP tanks are used the tanks must be externally coated to prevent light entry into the tanks and algal growth in the stored water. To prevent from degradation of the external coating, UV-resistant grades must be specified. Piping should be non-metallic materials and conventional copper piping when of the appropriate diameter. Alternatively, 316 SS may be specified for cleanliness reasons.

  • Seawater

Material selection for seawater systems is highly dependent on temperature and should be selected with reference to ISO 21457. Recommended materials are included in Table 8. CS with internal lining shall only be selected for de-aerated seawater systems as per API 15LE and NACE SP0304.

For firewater systems using seawater as a medium, see Section 12.3.8.

  • Demineralized Water

Demineralized water is corrosive to CS; hence these systems should be 316 SS. A non-metallic may be selected with input from the material MANUFACTURER and approval from the COMPANY is given. Tanks may be CS with a CA and a suitable internal lining.

  • Firewater

For most permanently wetted firewater systems with seawater as the medium, the material recommendation is 90/10 CuNi or titanium (refer to the Utility Table 8 in ISO 21457).

Firewater systems may contain, and transport aerated fresh water. The above-ground mains may be constructed from 90/10CuNi and the underground mains may be constructed from GRVE (Glass Reinforced Vinyl Esther) which does not require coating or cathodic protection. Larger valves should be CS with CRA clad for internal wetted surfaces and CRA trim. Critical valves will require to be fully fabricated from CRA materials. To avoid galvanic corrosion issues isolation spools shall be specified wherever electrical isolation between dissimilar materials is required.

NiAl bronze valves are compatible with 90/10CuNi piping, however, NiAl Bronze and CuNi are unsuitable for sulfide-polluted water.

The selection of material will depend on the quality of the water and its temperature. Black body temperature must be considered in the design.

Internally epoxy-coated carbon steel piping for the firewater system is subject to COMPANY approval.

  • Open Drains

Material selection for open drains equipment shall be CS with an internal lining. The recommendation for piping is an appropriate non-metallic pending COMPANY approval. Alternatively, CS with a 6 mm CA may be specified when the service has low criticality. Open drain tanks shall be internally lined by a qualified organic coating system and supplemented with a Cathodic Protection system.

  • Closed Drains

Material selection for closed drains shall consider the conditions of any potential hydrocarbons within the system. Where closed drains receive sour hydrocarbon, the requirements for sour service (as per Section 11.5) shall apply. The design of the blanketing system for all drums and tanks shall consider the possibility of residual oxygen, and therefore be considered within the material selection.


Material selection for valves shall be appropriate for the piping class that they are classified within and in accordance with the requirements of ASME B16.34. Further details on valve materials may be found in AGES- SP-09-003, the Piping & Pipeline Valve Specification.

Valves for subsea applications will be selected in accordance with API 6DSS. Valves shall be selected in conformance with ADNOC specification AGES-SP-09-003.

Static Equipment

Material guidelines for pressure vessels are given in Tables 6 and 7 above. This is commonly CS with an internal lining or CRA cladding. The guidelines for selection between CS with cladding versus a solid CRA option are given in Section 11.3 but should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Welds and acceptance requirements shall be as per ASME IX.

Where sour service material selection applies for vessels, refer to Section 11.5. Where outside of the NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156-3 limits for 316 SS, vessels shall be internally cladded/weld overlaid with Alloy 625.

As mentioned in Section 11.6, the design, and therefore material selection, of heat exchangers is dependent on their service requirements. However, in all cases, materials shall follow these guidelines:

  • The material to be selected to meet the design life requirements of the
  • The material selection shall be driven by the design
  • Titanium ASTM B265 Grade 2 is the recommended grade for heat exchanger applications containing seawater and rich glycol. The potential for titanium hydriding shall be considered in the design of all titanium heat exchangers, ensuring conditions do not exceed 80 °C, a pH is either below 3 or above 12 (or above 7 with high H2S content), and there is no mechanism available for generating hydrogen; for example, galvanic coupling.
  • CA should not generally be available for CS in heat exchangers; therefore, it may require an upgrade in specification to a suitable CRA.
  • If using CuNi for tubes in a shell and tube design, the minimum and maximum velocities in Table 9 shall be adhered However, these values will change with pipe diameter and shall be designed on a case-by-case basis.

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 9 – Maximum and Minimum Flow Velocities for CuNi Heat Exchanger Tubes

Tube Material Velocity (m/s)
Maximum Minimum
90/10 CuNi 2.4 0.9
70/30 CuNi 3.0 1.5

Further detail on design may be found in AGES-SP-06-003, the Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Specification. Rotating Equipment/Pumps
Selection of pump material class shall be made by the CONTRACTOR on a case-by-case basis for any COMPANY Project using AGES-SP-05-001, the Centrifugal Pumps (API 610) Specification. Below in Table 10, guidelines are given on the selection of material class for pumps per system. Further material details, including when an upgrade to the specification is required for specific operating conditions, may be found in AGES-SP-05-001.

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 10 – Material Classification for Pumps

Service Material Class
Sour Hydrocarbon S-5, A-8
Non-corrosive hydrocarbon S-4
Corrosive Hydrocarbon A-8
Condensate, non-aerated S-5
Condensate, aerated C-6, A-8
Propane, butane, liquefied petroleum gas, ammonia, ethylene, low-temperature services S-1, A-8
Diesel oil, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, gas oils, light, medium and heavy lubricating oils, fuel oil, residuum, crude oil, asphalt, synthetic crude bottoms S-1, S-6, C-6
Xylene, toluene, acetone, benzene, furfural, MEK, cumene S-1
Oil products containing sulfur compounds C-6, A-8
Oil products containing a corrosive aqueous phase A-8
Liquid sulphur S-1
Liquid Sulphur Dioxide, dry (max. 0.3% weight H2O), with or without hydrocarbons S-5
Aqueous Sulphur Dioxide, all concentrations A-8
Sulfolane (Shell proprietary chemical solvent) S-5
Short residue containing naphthenic acids (acid number above 0.5 mg KOH/g) C-6, A-8
Sodium carbonate I-1
Sodium hydroxide, < 20% concentration S-1
Glycol Specified by Licensor
DEA, MEA, MDEA, TEA, ADIP, or Sulfinol solutions containing either H2S or CO2 with more than 1% H2S S-5
DEA, MEA, MDEA, TEA, ADIP, or Sulfinol solutions, fat, containing CO2 with less than 1% H2S or ≥120 °C A-8
Boiling and processing water C-6, S-5, S-6
Boiler Feed Water C-6, S-6
Foul water and reflux drum water C-6, S-6
Brackish water A-8, D-2
Seawater Case by case basis
Sour water D-1
Freshwater, aerated C-6
Drain water, slightly acidic, non-aerated A-8

Instrument Tubing and Fittings

In general, small tubing less than 1’ NO for Instrumentation I chemicals I Lube/seal oil systems shall be made of 904L material if not specified otherwise.
Instrument tubing/ fitting in utility services with no sour service requirements (instrument air, hydraulic fluid, lube oil, seal oil etc.) for onshore facilities, shall be 316L SS.
For process gas medium involving sour service, application of a CRA material (316L/ 6Mo / Inconel 825) for the Instrument tubing shall be selected in conformance to NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156-3 material limits considering chlorides, H2S partial pressure, pH, and design temperature, or in conformance to NACE MR0103/ ISO 17495 for instrument tubing used in refining environment.
Instrument tubing material selection shall also consider the risk of external chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking and the risk of external pitting and crevice corrosion, especially in chloride-bearing environments. Hence Instrument tubing in offshore facilities (irrespective of services) PVC coated (2 mm thick) 316 SS tube should be considered for exposed marine environments on a case-by-case basis. Alternatively, 6Mo austenitic SS are deemed suitable up to 120 °C in marine environments, the use of which shall be decided upon on a case-by-case basis.


All bolts and nuts shall be supplied with certification according to EN 10204, Type 3.1, as a minimum, and Type 3.2 for low-temperature service.
Bolting materials shall comply with bolting tables for ferrous metals, unalloyed and alloyed, provided in Appendix 1– Metallic Materials Selected Standards. Bolting suitable for defined temperature ranges may be found in Table 11, below

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 11 – Material Specification for Bolting Temperature Ranges

Temperature Range (°C) Material Specification Size Constraints
Bolts Nuts
-100 to +400 A320 Grade L7 A194 Grade 4/S3 or grade 7/S3 ≤ 65
A320 Grade L43 A194 Grade 7/S3 or A194 grade 4/S3 < 100
-46 to + 4004 A193 Grade B7 A194 Grade 2H All
-29 to + 5404 A193 Grade B161 A194 Grade 7 All
-196/+ 540 A193 Grade B8M2 A194 Grade M/8MA3 All


  • This grade should not be used for permanently immersed equipment. Grade B16 is intended for high-temperature service, outside the temperature range for Grade B7.
  • Type 316 bolts and nuts shall not be used at a temperature above 60°C if exposed to a wet saline
  • Use 8MA with class 1
  • The lower temperature limits are subject to interpretation and shall be clarified for each

CS and/or low alloy bolting material shall be hot dip galvanized to ASTM A153 or have similar reliable corrosion protection. For LNG service great care must be taken for the possibility of SS being in contact with galvanized items.
For applications, where dissolution of a thick zinc layer may cause loss of bolt pretension, phosphating shall be used. Bolts coated with poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) for example Takecoat & Xylan or equivalent can be used but where these bolts rely on cathodic protection then they shall only be used provided electrical continuity is verified by measurements. Cadmium-plated bolts shall not be used.
Where external bolts, nuts, and spacers are to be protected by non-metallic coating, they shall be coated with a PTFE coating that passes a 6,000-hour salt spray test carried out in an ISO 17025 accredited third-party laboratory for these tests. Samples shall be taken from the Applicator facility, not from the paint manufacturer.
Bolting for potential non-metallic coating is applicable to:

  • All external flanged connections (shop and field assembled), including insulated flange bolting where the service temperature is less than 200 °C.
  • Equipment bolting that requires removal for scheduled maintenance and inspection. Non-metallic coatings on bolting is not applicable for:
  • All structural bolting;
  • Fasteners/bolting used in the assembly of various components within a SUPPLIER package or a MANUFACTURER’s standard equipment, miscellaneous standard value assemblies, and instrumentation. The CONTRACTOR shall review SUPPLIER / MANUFACTURER’s standard coatings for their suitability on a case-by-case basis;
  • Alloy fasteners;
  • Bonnet bolts and Gland bolts for Valves;
  • Bolts for blow-off connection of Strainers;
  • Bolts for MANUFACTURER’s standard piping speciality items (Sight Glasses, Level Gauges, and Silencers).

Bolting materials for sour service shall meet the requirements of Table 12.

Material Selection Guidelines: Table 12 – Bolting Materials for Sour Service

Service Conditions Materials Material Specification Comments
Bolts Nuts
Medium and High temperature > -29 °C Alloy steel ASTM A193, Grade B7M ASTM A194 Grade 2, 2H, 2HM Due to the danger of hydrogen embrittlement caused by cathodic protection, controlled hardness bolts & nuts are required hence the ‘M’ grades are also specified.
Low temperature (-100°C to -29 °C) Alloy steel ASTM A320, Grades L7M or L43 ASTM A194, Grade 4 or 7
Medium and High down to -50 °C DSS and SDSS ASTM A276; ASTM A479 ASTM A194
Medium and high down to -196 °C Low-pressure applications only Austenitic SS (316) ASTM A193 B8M Class 1 (Carbide solution treated and hardness controlled 22HRC max) ASTM A194 Grade 8M, 8MA (Hardness controlled to 22HRC max)
Medium and high down to -196 °C Super Austenitic SS (6%Mo 254 SMO)
Nickel base alloy ASTM B164 ASTM B408 (Monel K-500 or Incoloy 625, Inconel 718, Incoloy 925) Monel K-500 or Incoloy 625,  Inconel 718, Incoloy 925

Specifications OF Materials

Materials standards identified on drawings, requisition sheets, or other documents shall be specified fully in accordance with the guidance given in Sections 10, 11, and 12, including all additional requirements applicable to the standard. For materials identified with a Materials and Equipment Standards Code (MESC) number, the additional requirements stated therein shall also be met.
The latest issue of the selected materials standard shall be used. As this latest issue (including amendments) always prevails, the year of issue of the standard need not be shown.

Metal Temperature Limits
The temperature limits shown in Table A.1 show the minimum limits allowed for the average temperature through the cross-section of the construction material during normal operation.
Table A.1 – Minimum Temperature Limits for Piping and Equipment Steels

Temperature (°C) Item Material
Up to -29 Piping/ Equipment CS
-29 to -46 Piping/ Equipment LTCS
< -46 Piping Austenitic SS
Up to -60 Pressure Vessel LTCS (WPQR weldment, HAZ specimen to be impact tested at min design temperature. Acceptance criteria minimum 27J. In addition, LTCS with CTOD and engineering criticality assessment to be carried out.)
< -60 Pressure Vessel Austenitic SS
-101°C to -196°C Piping/Equipment Austenitic SS/Ni steel with impact testing

It should be noted that the indicated temperature limits do not necessarily exclude the application of the materials beyond these limits, especially for non-pressure-retaining parts such as internal parts of columns, baffles of heat exchangers, and supporting structures.
Maximum temperature limits are presented in sections 2, 3, and 4, temperatures shown in brackets, for example (+400), are unusual for the indicated application but are allowable from a materials point of view, if so required.
Special attention should be given to the specification and application of metals for service at low temperatures. For low-temperature applications, refer to the appendices of Specifications ‘Welding, NDE and Prevention of Brittle Fracture of Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers’ and ‘Welding, NDE and Prevention of Brittle Fracture of Piping.’
Categories of Metals

The following categories of metals are covered by this specification:

  • Ferrous metals – unalloyed
  • Ferrous metals – alloyed
  • Nonferrous metals

In each category the following products are dealt with:

  • Plates, sheets and strip;
  • Tubes and tubing;
  • Pipe;
  • Forgings, flanges and fittings;
  • Castings;
  • Bars, sections and wire;

Sequence of Materials
The sequence of materials in the column ‘Designation’ in Sections 2, 3, and 4 is generally such that the subsequent number indicates a material with an increase in the content and/or number of the alloying elements.
Chemical Composition
Chemical composition requirements shown in Sections 2, 3, and 4 relate to product analyses. Percentage compositions listed in Sections 2, 3, and 4 are by mass.
Additional Limits on Materials
The following requirements shall be met unless COMPANY approval for deviations is obtained:

  • No grade 70 carbon steels shall be used, except SA-516 Grade 70 (subject to COMPANY approval for the particular application, the conditions applicable to Grade 65, and the additional conditions a and b listed below), ASTM A350 LF2, where specified, and ASTM A537 Cl.1 for tanks. Any other grade 70 materials or applications require COMPANY approval except for standard carbon steel forgings and castings for example ASTM A105, A216 WCB, A350 LF2, and A352 LCC.
  • Steelmaker to provide weldability data for SA-516, Grade 70 used on previous successful projects
  • Heat treatment condition: Normalised, regardless of
  • The carbon equivalent and maximum carbon content for all carbon steel components in non-sour service shall be in accordance with the following table:

Table A.2 – Maximum Carbon Content and Equivalents for Steel Components

Max. Carbon Content (%)
Max. Carbon Equivalent (%)
Pressure-containing plates, sheets, strips, pipes, wrought fittings 0.23% 0.43%
Non-pressure containing plates, bars, structural shapes, and other components to be welded 0.23% N/A
Pressure-containing forgings and castings 0.25% 0.43%


  • Various services and materials require supplemental requirements of normalizing and/or These are covered by the equipment and piping specifications, or by reference to Specification DGS-MW-004, ‘Materials and Fabrication Requirements for Carbon Steel Piping and Equipment in Severe Service.’
  • All 300 series, chemically stabilized stainless steel materials to be used in applications with operating temperatures above 425°C shall be given a stabilization heat treatment at 900°C for 4 hours subsequent to solution heat treatment.
  • Rubber linings in water boxes of surface condensers and other exchangers shall not be used without COMPANY approval.
  • 300 series stainless steel tubing shall not be used for steam generating or steam superheating
  • Cast iron shall not be used in seawater
  • Whenever ‘SS’ or ‘Stainless Steel’ is indicated in specifications or other Project documents without reference to a specific grade it shall mean 316L SS.
  • Substitution of 9Cr-1Mo-V, grade ‘91’ materials for applications where 9Cr-1Mo, grade ‘9’ has been specified is not permitted.
    • All SS pipe and fittings, especially dual certified 316/316L and 321 shall be standardized as seamless up to 6’ NPS (ASTM A312) and welded class 1 for 8’ NPS and above (ASTM A358 Class 1).

How to choose materials, what materials to choose, why to choose this material and other such questions have always troubled us. The Material Selection Guidelines is a comprehensive assistant that can help you correctly and efficiently select pipes, fittings, flanges, valves, fasteners, steel plates, bars, strips, rods, forgings, castings and other materials for your projects. Let’s use the Material Selection Guidelines to select the right materials for you from ferrous and non-ferrous metal materials for your use in oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical processing, marine and offshore engineering, bioengineering, pharmaceutical engineering, clean energy and other fields.

Material Selection Guidelines: Ferrous Metals – Unalloyed

Plates, Sheet and Strip

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Carbon steel sheets of structural quality, galvanized 100 A 446 – A/ G165 For general use C content 0.23% max.
Carbon steel plates of structural quality (+350) A 283 – C For non-pressure-retaining parts for up to 50 mm thickness To be killed or semi-killed
Carbon steel plates (killed or semi-killed) 400 A 285 – C For pressure-retaining parts. For up to 50 mm thickness (Use subject to specific COMPANY approval) C content 0.23% max.
Carbon steel plates (Si-killed) – low/medium strength 400 A 515 – 60/65 For pressure-retaining parts (Use subject to specific COMPANY approval) C content 0.23% max.
C-Mn steel plates (Si-killed) – medium/high strength 400 A 515 -70 For tube sheets not welded to shell and/or tubes. For tube sheets to be welded to shell, see 8.4.3.
C-Mn steel plates (killed or semi-killed) – high strength 400 A 299 For pressure-retaining parts and for tube sheets to be welded to tubes C content 0.23% max. Mn content 1.30% max.
Fine-grained C-Mn steels – low strength 400 A 516 55/60, A 662 – A For pressure-retaining parts also at low temperatures C content 0.23% max. Specify V+Ti+Nb<0.15%
Fine-grained C-Mn steels – medium strength 400 A 516 – 65/70 For pressure-retaining parts also at low temperatures C content 0.23% max. Specify V+Ti+Nb<0.15%
Fine-grained C-Mn steels – low strength (normalized) 400 A 537 – Class 1 For pressure-retaining parts also at low temperatures (Use subject to specific approval) Specify V+Ti+Nb<0.15%
Fine-grained C-Mn steels – very high strength (Q+T) 400 A 537 – Class 2 For pressure-retaining parts (Use subject to specific approval) Specify V+Ti+Nb<0.15%
Carbon steel sheet and strip A1011/A1011M For structural purposes
Steel floor plate A 786 For structural purposes

Tubes and Tubing

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Electric-resistance-welded carbon steel tubes 400 A 214 For unfired heat transfer equipment To be killed. A non-destructive electric test in accordance with ASTM A450 or equivalent shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test.
Seamless cold-drawn carbon steel tubes 400 A 179 For unfired heat transfer equipment To be killed. Only for ASME VIII – Div 1 Application.
Electric-resistance-welded carbon steel tubes 400 A 178 – A For boilers and superheaters tubes up to and including 102 mm external diameter. A non-destructive electric test in accordance with ASTM A450 or equivalent shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test. To be killed or semi-killed. Elevated temperature properties (Yield strength as per ASME II Part-D).
Electric-resistance-welded carbon steel tubes (Si-killed) 400 A 226 For boilers and superheaters tubes at high working pressures up to and including 102 mm external diameter. A non-destructive electric test in accordance with ASTM A450 or equivalent shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test. Elevated temperature properties (Yield strength as per ASME II Part-D).
Seamless carbon steel tubes (Si-killed) 400 A 192 For air coolers, boilers, and superheaters at high working pressures. A non-destructive electric test in accordance with the material specification shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test. Elevated temperature properties (Yield strength as per ASME II Part-D).
Seamless carbon steel tubes (Si-killed) 400 A 334-6 (Seam-less) For unfired heat transfer equipment operating at low service temperatures. C content 0.23% max. A non-destructive electric test in accordance with the material specification shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test.
Seamless carbon steel tubes (Si-killed) 400 A 210 Grade A-1 For air coolers, boilers, and superheaters at high working pressures. C content 0.23% max. For boilers and superheaters elevated temperature properties (Yield strength shall meet the requirements of ASME II Part-D).


Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Seamless or Arc Welded Carbon steel pipe 400 API 5L-B For air and water lines only. Galvanized pipe with screwed connections only. Specify seamless API 5L-B pipe with NPT threaded couplings, galvanized to ASTM A53, para 17. Seamless pipe to be normalized or hot finished. SAW pipe to be normalized or PWHT after welding.
Electric-fusion-welded carbon steel pipe 400 A 672 – C 65 Class 32/22 For inside plot product lines. For sizes larger than NPS 16. C content 0.23% max.
Seamless carbon steel pipe 400 ASTM A106 grade B For most inside plot utility lines. Seamless usually not obtainable in sizes larger than NPS 16. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.30% max. To be killed or semi-killed.
Seamless C-Mn steel pipe (Si-killed) 400 A 106-B For most inside plot process piping, including hydrocarbon + hydrogen, hydrocarbon + sulfur compounds. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.30% max.
Seamless fine-grained C-Mn steel pipe (Si-killed) (+400) A 333 – Grade 1 or 6 For process lines at low service temperatures. Seamless usually not obtainable in sizes larger than NPS 16. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.30% max. Specify V+Ti+Nb < 0.15%.
Electric-fusion-welded fine-grained C-Mn steel pipe (Si-killed) (+400) A 671 C65 Class 32 For process lines at moderate or low service temperatures with sizes larger than NPS 16. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.30% max. Specify V+Ti+Nb < 0.15%.
Carbon steel pipe A 53 For structural use only as handrails.

Forgings, Flanges and Fittings

Carbon steel butt-welding pipe fittings 400 A 234 – WPB or WPBW For general use. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless. Sizes greater than NPS 16 may be either seamless or welded. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.30% max. Normalized or hot finished. Plate material for A 234 WPB-W to meet sour service requirement: C content 0.23% max, Carbon Equivalent 0.43 max.
Carbon steel butt-welding pipe fittings (+400) A 420 – WPL6 or WPL6W For low service temperature. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless. Sizes greater than NPS 16 may be either seamless or welded. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.30% max.
Carbon steel forgings 400 A 105 For piping components, including flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts and also for tube sheets to be welded to shell. C content 0.23% max. Mn may be increased to 1.20% max. Shall be normalized in wet H2S, amine, caustic and Criticality 1 services. Heat treatment required by ASTM specification based on rating.
Carbon steel forgings 400 A 266 – Class 2 For pressure vessel components and associated pressure-retaining equipment, including tube sheets. C content 0.25% max.
Carbon-manganese steel forgings (+400) A 350 – LF2 Class 1 For piping components, including flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures. C content 0.23% max. Normalized.
Carbon-manganese steel forgings 350 A 765 – Grade II For pressure vessel components and associated pressure-retaining equipment, including tube sheets, at low service temperatures. C content 0.23% max.


Grey iron castings 300 A 48 – Class 30 or 40 For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts.
Grey iron castings 650 A 319 – Class II For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts at elevated temperatures.
Grey iron castings 350 A 278 – Class 40 For pressure-retaining parts and cooler channels. Cast iron is not to be used in hazardous service or above 10 bar.
Ductile iron castings 400 A 395 For pressure-retaining parts including fittings and valves. Metallographic examination in accordance with ASTM A395 shall be made in addition to the tensile test.
Steel castings (+400) A 216 – WCA, WCB*, or WCC For pressure-retaining parts. *C content 0.25% max.
Steel castings (+400) A 352 – LCB* or LCC For pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures. *C content 0.25% max.

Bars, Section and Wire

Carbon steel bars, sections and raised-tread plates of structural quality 350 A 36 For general structural purposes. C content 0.23% max. For non-welded items, and for items that will not be welded, restriction on C content may be disregarded. To be killed or semi-killed.
Low-carbon steel bars 400 A 576 – 1022 or 1117 For machined parts. To be killed or semi-killed. Where free-machining quality is required, specify Grade 1117.
Medium-carbon steel bars 400 A 576 – 1035, 1045, 1055, 1137 For machined parts. To be killed or semi-killed. Where free-machining quality is required, specify Grade 1137.
High-carbon steel bars 230 A 689/A 576 – 1095 For springs. To be killed or semi-killed.
Music spring quality steel wire 230 A 228 For springs.
Carbon steel bars and sections (+230) A 36 For lifting lugs, sliding bars etc. C content 0.23% max. For non-welded items, and for items that will not be welded, restriction on C content may be disregarded.
Steel welded wire, fabric
Carbon steel structural tubing A 500 For structural use only.
Steel bars A 615 For concrete reinforcement.


Carbon steel bolts 230 A 307 – B For structural purposes. Approved free machining quality acceptable.
Carbon steel nuts 230 A 563 – A For bolts specified under 8.7.1
Medium-carbon steel nuts 450 A 194 – 2H For bolting specified under 8.7.1
High-strength structural bolts ASTM F3125 For structural purposes.
Heat-treated steel structural bolts A 490 For structural purposes.
Hardened steel washers F 436 For structural purposes.

Plates, Sheets and Strip

1 Cr – 0.5 Mo steel plates 600 A387 – 12 Class 2 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
1.25 Cr – 0.5 Mo steel plates 600 A 387 – 11 Class 2 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. Specify P 0.005% max. Plates to be solution annealed.
2.25 Cr – 1 Mo steel plates 625 A 387 – 22 Class 2 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
3 Cr – 1 Mo steel plates 625 A 387 – 21 Class 2 For high service temperatures require optimum creep resistance and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
5 Cr – 0.5 Mo steel plates 650 A 387 – 5 Class 2 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. Plates to be solution annealed.
3.5 Ni steel plates (+400) A 203 – D For pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures. Specify: C 0.10% max., Si 0.30% max., P 0.002% max., S 0.005% max.
9 Ni steel plates -200 A 353 For pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures. Specify: C 0.10% max., Si 0.30% max., P 0.002% max., S 0.005% max.
13 Cr steel plates, sheets and strip 540 A 240 – Type 410S or 405 For cladding of pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions. Type 405 shall not be used above 400°C.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel plates, sheets and strip -200 (+400) A 240 – Type 304 or 304N For non-welded, pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures or to prevent product contamination. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test specified in ASTM A262. Plates to be solution annealed.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel plates, sheets and strip -0.4 A 240 – Type 304L For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or low and moderate service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel plates, sheets and strip (-100) / +600 A 240 – Type 321 or 347 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion when operating temperatures will be >426°C, apply a stabilization heat treatment at 900°C for 4 hours, subsequent to solution heat treatment. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel plates, sheets and strip -0.4 A 240 – Type 316 or 316L For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. Type 316L shall be used for all welded components. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262. Plates to be solution annealed.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo stabilized steel plates, sheets and strip (-200) / +500 A 240 – Type 316Ti or 316Cb For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion, specify a stabilization heat treatment at 900°C for 4 hours, subsequent to solution heat treatment. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-10 Ni-3 Mo steel plates, sheets and strip (-200) / +500 A 240 – Type 317 or 317L For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
25 Cr-20 Ni steel plates, sheets and strip 1000 A 240 – Type 310S For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme service temperatures.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel plates, sheets and strip 700 A 240 – Type 304H For pressure-retaining parts at extreme service temperatures under certain corrosive conditions. Specify C 0.06% max. and Mo+Ti+Nb 0.4% max.
22 Cr-5 Ni-Mo-N steel plates, sheets and strip (-30) / +300 A 240 – S31803 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions. Specify N 0.15% min. Specify ferric chloride test in accordance with ASTM G 48 Method A. Plates to be solution heat treated and water cooled.
25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel plates, sheets and strip (-30) / +300 A 240 – S32750 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions. Specify ferric chloride test in accordance with ASTM G 48 Method A. Plates to be solution heat treated and water cooled.
20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel plates, sheets and strip -0.5 A 240 – S31254 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions. Plates to be solution heat treated and water cooled.
Carbon steel or low-alloy steel plates with ferritic stainless steel cladding A 263 For high service temperatures and/or certain corrosive conditions. Specify base metal and cladding.
Carbon steel or low-alloy steel plates with austenitic stainless steel cladding 400 A 264 For high service temperatures and/or certain corrosive conditions. Specify base metal and cladding.
Seamless 25Cr – 5 Ni Mo-N steel tubes for certain corrosive services To be annealed and water cooled. To be chemically passivated. Specify ferric chloride test in accordance with ASTM G 48 Method.

Tubes and Tubing

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Seamless 1 Cr-0.5 Mo steel tubes 600 A 213 – T12 For boilers, superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment at high service temperatures and/or requiring resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. For resistance to hydrogen attack refer API 941.
Seamless 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel tubes 600 A 213 – T11 For boilers, superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment at high service temperatures and/or requiring resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. Specify P 0.005% max.
Seamless 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel tubes 625 A 213 – T22 For boilers, furnaces, super-heaters and unfired heat transfer equipment at high service temperatures requiring optimum creep resistance and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
Seamless 5 Cr-0.5 Mo steel tubes 650 A 213 – T5 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion, for example furnace tubes. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
Seamless 9 Cr-1 Mo steel tubes 650 A 213 – T9 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion, for example furnace tubes. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
Seamless 3.5 Ni steel tubes (+400) For low service temperatures.
Seamless 9 Ni steel tubes -200 For low service temperatures.
Seamless 12 Cr steel tubes 540 A 268 – TP 405 or 410 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions. TP 405 not to be used above 400°C. TP 410 shall be specified with C 0.08 max.
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-10 N-2Mo steel tubes (-200) +500 A 269 – TP 316 or TP 316L or TP 317 or TP 317L For certain general applications. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB. For tubes to be welded, bent, or stress relieved, TP316L or TP 317L shall be used.
Welded 18 Cr-8 Ni steel tubes -200 (+400) A 249 – TP 304 or TP 304L For superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment to prevent product contamination or for low service temperatures. Since the tubes are welded without the addition of filler metal, the inside diameter and the wall thickness of the tubes shall be restricted to NPS 4 max. and 5.5 mm max., respectively.
Welded 18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel tubes (-100) +600 A 249 – TP 321 or TP 347 For superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions. Since the tubes are welded without the addition of filler metal, the inside diameter and the wall thickness of the tubes shall be restricted to NPS 4 max. and 5.5 mm max., respectively.
A nondestructive electric test in accordance with ASTM A450 shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test.
The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Welded 18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel tubes 300 A 249 – TP 316 or TP 316L For superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions. Since the tubes are welded without the addition of filler metal, the inside diameter and the wall thickness of the tubes shall be restricted to NPS 4 max. and 5.5 mm max., respectively. A nondestructive electric test in accordance with ASTM A450 shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Welded 20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo Cu-N steel tubes (-200) (+400) A 249 – S31254 For superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions. Since the tubes are welded without the addition of filler metal, the inside diameter and the wall thickness of the tubes shall be restricted to NPS 4 max. and 5.5 mm max., respectively. A nondestructive electric test in accordance with ASTM A450 shall be carried out in addition to the hydrostatic test.
Seamless 18 Cr-8 Ni steel tubes 200 A 213 – TP 304 or TP 304L For unfired heat transfer equipment to prevent product contamination or for low service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Seamless 18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel tubes (-100) +600 A 213 – TP 321, TP 347 For superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262. For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion, specify a stabilization heat treatment subsequent to solution heat treatment.
Seamless 18 Cr-8 Ni steel tubes 815 A 213 – TP 304H For boilers, superheaters, and unfired heat transfer equipment at extreme service temperatures under certain corrosive conditions. Specify C 0.06% max. and Mo+Ti+Nb 0.4% max.
Seamless 18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel tubes 815 A 213 – TP 321H or TP 347H For boilers, superheaters, and unfired heat transfer equipment at extreme service temperatures under certain corrosive conditions. Specify C 0.06% max. and Mo+Ti+Nb 0.4% max.
Seamless 18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel tubes 300 A 213 – TP 316 or TP 316L For superheaters and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. TP 316 shall be used only for non-welded items. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Seamless 18 Cr-8 Ni steel tubes 815 A 271 – TP 321H or TP 347H For furnaces under certain corrosive conditions with a maximum wall thickness of 25mm.
Seamless 25 Cr-5 Ni-Mo steel tubes 300 A 789 – S31803 For certain corrosive conditions. Specify seamless.
Seamless 25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel tubes 300 A 789 – S32750 For certain corrosive conditions. Specify seamless.
Seamless 20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel tubes (-200) (+400) A 269 – S31254 For certain corrosive conditions. Specify seamless.
Seamless 25 Cr-5 Ni Mo-N steel tubes 300 A 789 – S32550 For certain corrosive services. Specify seamless.


Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Electric-fusion-welded 1 Cr-0.5 Mo steel pipe in sizes NPS 16 and larger 600 A 691 1Cr Class 22 or 42 For high service temperatures, requiring optimum creep resistance and/or resistance to hydrogen attack For Class 22, base material to be in N & T or Q&T condition, with tempering at 730°C min.
Welds to be PWHT in range 680-780°C.
For Class 42, tempering temperature to be 680°C min.
Specify P 0.01% max
Electric-fusion-welded 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel pipe in sizes NPS 16 and larger 600 A 691 – 1.25Cr Class 22 or 42 For high service temperatures, requiring optimum creep resistance and/or resistance to hydrogen attack For Class 22, base material to be in N & T or Q&T condition, with tempering at 730°C min.
Welds to be PWHT in range 680-780°C.
For Class 42, tempering temperature to be 680°C min.
Specify P 0.01% max.
Electric-fusion-welded 2.25 Cr steel pipe in sizes NPS 16 and larger 625 A 691 – 2.25 Cr Class 22 or 42 For high service temperatures, requiring optimum creep resistance and/or resistance to hydrogen attack For Class 22, base material to be in N & T or Q&T condition, with tempering at 730°C min.
Welds to be PWHT in range 680-780°C.
For Class 42, tempering temperature to be 680°C min.
Specify P 0.01% max.
Electric-fusion-welded 5 Cr-0.5 Mo steel pipe in sizes NPS 16 and larger 650 A 691 – 5 Cr Class 22 or 42 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion For Class 22, base material to be in N & T or Q&T condition, with tempering at 730°C min.
Welds to be PWHT in range 680-780°C.
For Class 42, tempering temperature to be 680°C min.
Specify P 0.01% max.
Electric-fusion-welded 18 Cr-8 Ni steel pipe in sizes above NPS 12 -200 to +400 A 358 – Grade 304 or 304L Class 1 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Electric-fusion-welded 18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel pipe in sizes above NPS 12 -100 to +600 A 358 – Grade 321 or 347 Class 1 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion, specify a stabilization heat treatment at 900°C for 4 hours after solution heat treatment, as detailed in ASTM A358. Supplementary Requirement S6. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Electric-fusion-welded 18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel pipe in sizes above NPS 12 -200 to +500 A 358 – Grade 316 or 316L Class 1 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Electric-fusion-welded 18 Cr-8 Ni steel pipe in sizes above NPS 12 -200 to +500 A 358 – Grade 304L Class 1 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures Specify C 0.06% max and Mo+Ti+Nb 0.04% max.
Seamless 0.3 Mo steel pipe 500 NOT for hydrogen service. For high service temperatures Specify total Al content 0.012% max.
Seamless 0.5 Mo steel pipe 500 A 335 – P1 NOT for hydrogen service. For high service temperatures Specify total Al content 0.012% max.
Seamless 1 Cr-0.5 Mo steel pipe 500 A 335 – P12 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack Specify to be normalized and tempered.
For resistance to hydrogen attack refer API 941.
Purchaser to advise the manufacturer if the service
temperature is to be over 600°C
Seamless 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel pipe 600 A 335 – P11 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack
Seamless is usually not obtainable in sizes
larger than NPS 16. For larger sizes use ASTM A691 – 1.25 CR-Class 22 or 42
Specify to be normalized and tempered.
Specify P 0.005% max.
For resistance to hydrogen attack refer API 941
Purchaser to advise the manufacturer if the service
temperature is to be over 600°C
Seamless 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel pipe 625 A 335 – P22 For high service temperatures, requiring optimum creep resistance and/or resistance to hydrogen attack
Seamless is usually not obtainable in sizes larger than NPS 16. For larger sizes use ASTM A691 – 2.25 Cr-Class 22 or 42 (see 9.3.3).
Specify to be normalized and tempered.
For resistance to hydrogen attack refer API 941.
Purchaser to advise the manufacturer if the service
temperature is to be over 600°C
Seamless 5 Cr-0.5 Mo steel pipe 650 A 335 – P5 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion
Seamless is usually not obtainable in sizes larger than NPS 16. For larger sizes use ASTM A691 – 5 Cr-Class 22 or 42 (see 9.3.4).
Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
Seamless 9 Cr-1 Mo steel pipe 650 A 335 – P9 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion Specify to be normalized and tempered.
Purchaser to advise the manufacturer if the service
temperature is to be over 600°C
Seamless 3.5 Ni steel pipe 400 A 333 – Grade 3 Seamless For low service temperatures
Seamless 9 Ni steel pipe -200 A 333 – Grade 8 Seamless For low service temperatures Specify: C 0.10% max. S 0.002% max. P 0.005% max.
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-8 Ni steel pipe in sizes to NPS 12 incl. -200 to +400 A 312 – TP 304 For low service temperatures or to prevent product contamination Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
The materials shall be capable of passing the Practice E
intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A 262
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-8 Ni steel pipe in sizes to NPS 12 incl. -200 to +400 A 312 – TP 304L For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
The materials shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A 262
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel pipe in sizes to NPS 12 incl. -100 to +600 A 312 – TP 321 or TP 347 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion, specify a stabilization heat treatment at 900°C for 4 hours subsequent to solution heat treatment, as detailed in ASTM A358 Supplementary Requirement
S5 The materials shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A 262
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel pipe in sizes to NPS 12 incl. 815 A 312 – TP 321H or TP 347H For certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme service temperatures Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
The use of this grade is subject to the agreement of the Company.
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel pipe in sizes to NPS 12 incl. -200 to +500 A 312 – TP 316 or TP 316L For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Seamless and welded 18 Cr-8 Ni steel pipe in sizes to NPS 12 incl. +500 (+815) A 312 – TP 304H For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures Specify C 0.06% max. and Mo+Ti+Nb 0.4% max.
Seamless and welded 22 Cr-5 Ni- Mo-N steel pipe 300 A 790 – S 31803 For certain corrosive conditions Specify N 0.15% min.
Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
Specify in solution annealed and water-quenched condition.
Seamless and welded 25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel pipe 300 A 790 – S 32750 For certain corrosive conditions Specify N 0.15% min.
Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.
Specify in solution annealed and water-quenched condition.
Seamless and welded 20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel pipe -200 (+400) A 312 – S31254 For certain corrosive conditions Welded pipe may be used up to and including 5.5 mm wall thickness.

Forgings, Flanges and Fittings

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
0.5 Mo steel butt-welding fittings 500 A 234 – WP1 or WP1W NOT for hydrogen service.For high service temperatures. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify total Al content 0.012% max.
1 Cr-0.5 Mo steel butt-welding fittings 600 A 234 – WP12 Class 2 or WP12W Class 2 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
Specify P 0.005% max.
For resistance to hydrogen attack refer API 941.
1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel butt-welding fittings 600 A 234 – WP11 Class 2 or WP11W Class 2 For high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Specify P 0.005% max.
For well metal, specify 10P+55Pb+5Sn+As (1400 ppm).
2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel butt-welding fittings 625 A 234 – WP22 Class 3 or WP22W Class 3 For extreme service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
For resistance to hydrogen attack refer API 941.
5 Cr-0.5 Mo steel butt-welding fittings 650 A 234 – WP5 or WP5W For high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered.
3.5 Ni steel butt-welding fittings (+400) A 420 – WPL3 or WPL3W For low service temperatures. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify to be normalized.
9 Ni steel butt-welding fittings -200 A 420 – WPL8 or WPL8W For low service temperatures. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify to be double normalized or quenched and tempered.
Specify C 0.10% max., S 0.002% max., P 0.005% max.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel butt-welding fittings -200 to +400 A 403 – WP304-S/WX/WU For low service temperatures or to prevent product contamination. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Material must pass the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
Test all seam welds of austenitic stainless steel.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel butt-welding fittings -200 to +400 A 403 – WP304L-S/WX/WU For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel butt-welding fittings 815 A 403 – WP304H-S/WX/WU For certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme service temperatures. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify: C 0.06% max and Mo+Ti+Nb 0.4% max.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel butt-welding fittings (-100) to +600 A 403 – WP321-S/WX/WU or WP347-S/WX/WU For certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme service temperatures. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion, specify a stabilization heat treatment at 900°C for 4 hours subject to a solution heat treatment.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel butt-welding fittings 815 A 403 – WP321H-S/WX/WU or WP347H-S/WX/WU For certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme service temperatures. The use of this grade is subject to agreement of the Company.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel butt-welding fittings -200 to +500 A 403 – WP316-S/WX/WU or WP316L-S/WX/WU For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service conditions. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
22 Cr-5 Ni-Mo-N steel butt-welding fittings 300 A815 – S31803 Class WP-S or WP-WX For certain corrosive conditions. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
Specify N 0.15% min.
25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel butt-welding fittings for corrosive conditions 300 A815 – S32750 Class WP-S or WP-WX For corrosive conditions. Specify Seamless.
20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel butt-welding fittings (-200) to +400 A403 – WPS 31254-S/WX/WU For certain corrosive conditions. Sizes up to NPS 16 incl. shall be seamless.
Larger sizes may be either seamless or welded.
0.5 Mo steel forgings 500 A 182 -F1 NOT for hydrogen service. For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves and other pressure-retaining parts at high
service temperatures
0.5 Mo steel forgings +500 A 336 – F1 For heavy parts, e.g., drum forgings, for high service temperatures. NOT for hydrogen service. Specify total Al content 0.012% max.
1 Cr-0.5 Mo steel forgings +600 A 182 – F12 Class 2 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures. Resistant to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered. For resistance to hydrogen attack, refer to API 941.
1 Cr-0.5 Mo steel forgings +600 A 336 – F12 For heavy parts, e.g., drum forgings, for high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered. For resistance to hydrogen attack, refer to API 941.
1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel forgings +600 A 182 – F11 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures. Resistant to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered. Specify P 0.005% max. For resistance to hydrogen attack, refer to API 941.
1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel forgings +600 A 336 – F11 For heavy parts, e.g., drum forgings, for high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. Use of liquid quenched and tempered grades is subject to agreement. Specify P 0.005% max.
2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel forgings +625 A 182 – F22 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures. Resistant to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered. Refer to API 934 for Materials and Fabrication requirements.
2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel forgings +625 A 336 – F22 For heavy parts, e.g., drum forgings, for high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered or quenched and tempered. Use of liquid quenched and tempered grades is subject to agreement. Refer to API 934.
3 Cr-1 Mo steel forgings +625 A 182 – F21 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures. Resistant to hydrogen attack. Specify to be normalized and tempered. Refer to API 934 for Materials and Fabrication requirements.
5 Cr-0.5 Mo steel forgings +650 A 182 – F5 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures. Resistant to sulfur corrosion. Specify to be normalized and tempered.
3.5 Ni steel forgings (-400) A 350 – LF3 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures. Specify: C 0.10% max, Si 0.30% max, Mn 0.90% max, S 0.005% max.
9 Ni steel forgings (-200) A 522 – Type I For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures. Specify: C 0.10% max, Si 0.30% max, Mn 0.90% max, S 0.005% max.
12 Cr steel forgings +540 A 182 F6a For certain corrosive conditions.
12 Cr steel forgings +540 A 182 – F6a For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel forgings -200 / +400 A 182 – F304 For low service temperatures or to prevent product contamination. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel forgings -200 / +400 A 182 – F304L For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel forgings -200 / +500 A 182 – F304L For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel forgings +815 A 182 – F304H For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under extreme service temperatures. Specify C 0.06% max. Mo+Ti+Nb 0.4% max.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel forgings +600 A 182 – F321 / F347 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. For optimum resistance to intergranular corrosion, specify a stabilization heat treatment of 870-900°C for 4 hours, followed by solution heat treatment. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel forgings +815 A 182 – F321H / F347H For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under extreme service temperatures. The use of this grade is subject to the agreement of the Company.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel forgings -200 / +500 A 182 – F316 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel forgings -200 / +500 A 182 – F316L For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel forgings -200 / +500 A 182 – F316H For certain corrosive conditions and/or high service temperatures. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice E intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262.
22 Cr-5 Ni-Mo-N steel forgings -30 / +300 A 182 – F51 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under corrosive conditions. Specify N 0.15% min.
25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel forgings (-30) to +300 A 182 – F53 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel forgings (-200) to (+400) A 182 – F44 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
9Cr Mo Steel forgings +650 ASTM A182-F9 For tube sheets, flanges, fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at extreme service temperatures and/or requiring resistance to Sulphur corrosion. Normalized and tempered
Wrought Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy (Alloy 625) for corrosive conditions 425 ASTM B366 Chemically passivated and free from any scale or oxides. Specify in the solution annealed condition.
Ni-Cr-Fe Alloy (Alloy 600) forgings for corrosive conditions +650 ASTM B564 N06600 Specify forgings in solution annealed condition.


Designation Metal Temp (°C) ASTM Specification Remarks Added Requirements
14.5 Si castings +250 A 518 – 1 For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts. Specify Si content 14.5% min. Other alloying elements for a given Mo.
18-16-6 Cu-2 Cr-Nb (Type 1) castings +500 A 436 – Type 1 For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts under certain corrosive conditions.
18-20 Cr-2 Ni-Nb-Ti (Type D-2) castings +500 A 439 – Type D-2 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
22 Ni-4 Mn castings +500 A 571 – Type D2-M For pressure-retaining parts at low service temperatures.
0.5 Mo steel castings +500 A 217 – WC1 Not for hydrogen service. For fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify total Al content 0.012% max.
1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel castings +550 A 217 – WC6 For fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures and/or requiring resistance to sulfur corrosion. Specify 0.01% max. Al. Normalized and tempered.
2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel castings +650 A 217 – WC9 For fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures and/or resistance to hydrogen attack. Specify 0.01% max. Resistance to hydrogen attack per API 941.
5 Cr-0.5 Mo steel castings +650 A 217 – C5 For fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion.
9 Cr-1 Mo steel castings +650 A 217 – C12 For fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts at high service temperatures and/or resistance to sulfur corrosion.
3.5 Ni steel castings (+400) A 352 – LC3 For low service temperatures.
9 Ni steel castings (+400) A 352 – LC9 For low service temperatures. Specify: C 0.10% max, S 0.002% max, P 0.005% max.
12 Cr steel castings +540 A 743 – CA15 For non-pressure-retaining parts under corrosive conditions.
12 Cr-4 Ni steel castings +540 A 217 – CA15 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel castings +200 A 744 – CFB For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. Castings for corrosive service shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E.
18 Cr-10 Ni-Nb (stabilized) steel castings +1000 A 744 – CFBC If intended for hydrogen service, specify 0.012% max Al content for resistance to hydrogen attack. Castings for corrosive service shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel castings +500 A 744 – CBFM For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. Castings for corrosive service shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E.
25 Cr-20 Ni steel castings +1000 A 297 – HK For non-pressure-retaining (internal) parts requiring heat resistance.
25 Cr-12 Ni steel castings +1000 A447-Type II For furnace tube supports.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel castings -200 to +500 A351-CF8 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. Castings for corrosive service shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E.
18 Cr-8 Ni-Nb stabilized steel castings (-100) to +600 A351-CF8C For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. If intended for working temperatures above 500°C, specific Si content 1.0% max. Castings for corrosive service shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel castings -200 to +500 A351-CF8M For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions and/or at high service temperatures. Castings for corrosive service shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262, Practice E.
22 Cr-5 Ni-Mo-N steel castings +300 A890-4A, S32 & S33 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel castings +300 A890-5A, S32 & S33 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel castings (-200) to (+400) A351-CK3MCuN For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions.
25 Cr-20 Ni steel castings +1000 A351-CH20 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions at extreme service temperatures.
25 Cr-20 Ni steel castings +1000 A351-CK20 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions at extreme service temperatures.
25 Cr-20 Ni steel castings +1000 A351-HK40 For pressure-retaining parts under certain corrosive conditions at extreme service temperatures.
20 Cr-29 Ni-Mo-Cu steel castings (+400) A744-CN7M For fittings, valves, and other pressure-retaining parts requiring resistance to sulfuric acid corrosion.
Cr-Ni steel centrifugal and static castings
20 Cr-33 Ni-Nb
25 Cr-30 Ni
25 Cr-35 Ni-Nb
For pressure-retaining furnace parts at extreme service temperatures.

Bars, Sections and Wire

1 Cr-0.25 Mo steel bars +450 (+540) A 322 – 4140 For machined parts
9 Ni steel bars -200 A 322 For machined parts, for low-temperature service
12 Cr steel bars +425 A 276 – Type 410 or Type 420 Free-machining quality ASTM A582, Type 416 or 416Se acceptable, subject to approval by the Company For welded items specify Type 405
18 Cr-8 Ni steel bars -200 to +500 A 479 – Type 304 For machined parts The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E
18 Cr-8 Ni steel bars -200 to +500 A 479 – Type 304L For machined parts The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E
18 Cr-8 Ni steel bars +500 (+815) A 479 – Type 304H For machined parts Specify C: 0.06% max., Mo+Ti+Nb: 0.4% max.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel bars -200 (+815) A 479 – Type 321 or Type 347 For machined parts The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel bars +500 (+815) A 479 – Type 321H or Type 347H For machined parts, the use of this grade is subject to the agreement of the Company
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel bars -200 to +500 A 479 – Type 316 For machined parts The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel bars -200 to +500 A 479 – Type 316L For machined parts The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E
22 Cr-5 Ni-Mo-N steel bars -30 to +300 A 479 – S31803 For machined parts N 0.15% min.
25 Cr-7 Ni-Mo-N steel bars -30 to +300 A 479 – S32750 For machined parts N 0.15% min.
20 Cr-18 Ni-6 Mo-Cu-N steel bars -200 (+400) A 276 – S31254 For machined parts
Si-Mn steel bars +230 A 689/A 322-9260 For springs
Cold-drawn steel wire +230 A 227 For springs
Cold-drawn 18 Cr-8Ni steel wire +230 Type 302 For springs The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E


Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
1 Cr-0.25 Mo steel bolting material +450 (+540) A 193 – B7 For general use. For nuts see 8.7.3.
1 Cr-0.25 Mo steel bolting material +450 (+540) A 193 – B7M For sour service. For nuts see 9.7.13.
1 Cr-0.5 Mo-0.25 steel bolting material +525 (+600) A 193 – B16 For high-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.14.
1 Cr-0.25 Mo steel bolting material -105 to +450 (+540) A 320 – L7 For low-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.15.
1 Cr-0.25 Mo steel bolting material -30 to +450 A 320 – L7M For sour service and low-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.16.
9 Ni steel bolting material -200 For low-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.17.
12 Cr steel bolting material +425 (+540) A 193 – B6X For certain corrosive conditions. For nuts see 9.7.18.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel (strain-hardened) bolting material -200 to +815 A 193 – B8 Class 2 For certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.19. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel bolting material -200 to +815 A 193 – B8T or B8C For certain corrosive conditions and/or extreme-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.21. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel (strain hardened) bolting material -200 to +500 A 193 – BBM Class 2 For certain corrosive conditions and/or high-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.22. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel bolting material -200 A 193 – BBN For low-temperature service. For nuts see 9.7.20. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
Precipitation Hardening austenitic Ni-Cr steel bolting material +540 A 453-660 Class A For certain corrosive conditions and/or high-temperature service. Expansion coefficient is comparable with austenitic steels. For nuts see 9.7.23.
0.25 Mo steel nuts +525 A 194 – 2HM For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.2.
0.25 Mo steel nuts +525 (+600) A 194 – 4 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.3
0.25 Mo steel nuts -105 to +525 (+540) A 194 – 4, S4 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.4
0.25 Mo steel nuts +525 A 194 – 7M, S4 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.5
9 Ni steel nuts -200 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.6
12 Cr steel nuts +425 (+540) A 194 – 6 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.7. Free-machining Grade 6F acceptable, subject to approval of the Company.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel (strain hardened) nuts -200 to +815 A 194 – 8, S1 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.8. Free-machining Grade 8F acceptable, subject to approval of the Company. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
18 Cr-8 Ni steel nuts -200 A 194 – 8N For low-temperature service. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
18 Cr-8 Ni stabilized steel nuts -200 to +815 A 194 – 8T or 8C For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.9. Free-machining Grade 8F acceptable, subject to approval of the Company. The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
18 Cr-10 Ni-2 Mo steel (strain hardened) nuts -200 to +500 A 194 – 8M, S1 For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.10 The material shall be capable of meeting the requirements of ASTM A262 Practice E.
Precipitation hardening austenitic Ni-Cr steel nuts +540 A 453-660 Class A For bolting made from material specified under 9.7.12
0.75 Cr-1.75 Ni, 0.25 Mo steel bolting material for low-temperature services +400 A320-L43

Material Selection Guidelines: Nonferrous Metals

Plates, Sheets and Strip

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Aluminum plates and sheets -200 to +200 B 209 – Alloy 1060 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Al-2.5Mg alloy plates and sheets -200 to +200 B 209 – Alloy 5052 For general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Al-2.7Mg-Mn alloy plates and sheets -200 to +200 B 209 – Alloy 5454 For general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Al-4.5Mg-Mn alloy plates and sheets -200 to +65 B 209 – Alloy 5083 For low temperature applications Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Copper plates, sheets, and strip -200 to +150 B 152 – C12200 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Cu-Zn alloy plates and sheets -200 to +175 B 171 – C46400 For baffles of coolers and condensers in brackish and seawater service and for general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Cu-Al alloy plates and sheets -200 to +250 B 171 – C61400 For tube sheets of coolers and condensers in sweet and brackish water service and for general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Cu-Al alloy plates and sheets -200 to +350 B 171 – C63000 For tube sheets of coolers and condensers in brackish and seawater service and for general use under certain corrosive conditions. Tube sheets produced by special casting methods from approved manufacturers are acceptable, provided mechanical properties and chemical composition are compatible with this specification. Al content max. 10.0%.
Cu-Ni (90/10) alloy plates and sheets -200 to +350 B 171 – C70600 For tube sheets of coolers and condensers in brackish and seawater service and for general use under certain corrosive conditions
Cu-Ni (70/30) alloy plates and sheets -200 to +350 B 171 – C71500 For certain corrosive conditions
Nickel plates, sheets, and strip -200 to (+350) B 162 – N02200 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Low-carbon nickel plates, sheets, and strip -200 to (+350) B 162 – N02201 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cu alloy -200 B 127 – For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Monel (400) plates, sheets, and strip +400 N04400 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cr-Fe alloy (Inconel 600) plates, sheets and strip +650 B 168 – N06600 For high-temp. conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800) plates, sheets and strip +815 B 409 – N08800 For high-temp. conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify C 0.05% maximum; specify the annealed condition for all grades
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800H) plates, sheets and strip +1000 B 409 – N08810 For high-temp. conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800HT) plates, sheets and strip (+1000) B 409 – N08811 For high-temp. conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) plates, sheets and strip +425 B 424 – N08825 For certain corrosive conditions The material must pass Practice C intergranular corrosion test as per ASTM A262 (corrosion rate ≤ 0.3 mm/year)
Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy (Inconel 625) plates, sheets and strip +425 B 443 – N06625 For certain corrosive conditions N/A
Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) plates, sheets and strip +425 B 333 – N10665 For certain corrosive conditions N/A
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) plates, sheets and strip +425 B 575 – N06455 For certain corrosive conditions N/A
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) plates, sheets and strip +425 (+650) B 575 – N10276 For certain corrosive conditions N/A
Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) plates, sheets and strip (+425) B 575 – N06022 For certain corrosive conditions N/A
Titanium plates, sheets and strip (+300) B 265 – Grade 2 For certain corrosive conditions; for linings, tensile properties indicated in the material specifications are for info only For linings, specify soft-annealed material with hardness 140 HV10 max; softer Grade 1 may also be used for lining
Tantalum plates, sheets, and strip Temp. limits depend on the service B 708 – R05200 For certain corrosive conditions; for linings, tensile properties indicated in the material specifications are for info only For linings, specify soft-annealed material with hardness 120 HV10 max

Tubes and Tubing

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Seamless aluminum tubes -200 to +200 B 234 – Alloy 1060 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless Al-2.5 Mg alloy tubes -200 to +200 B 234 – Alloy 5052 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless Al-2.7 Mg-Mn alloy tubes -200 to +200 B 234 – Alloy 5454 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless copper tubing in small sizes -200 to +150 B 68 – C12200 06 0 For instrument lines Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless Cu-Zn-Al alloy (Aluminum Brass) (+200) to +175 B 111 – C68700 For coolers and condensers in brackish and seawater service Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless copper-nickel (90/10 Cu-Ni) alloy tubes -200 to +350 B 111 – C70600 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless copper-nickel (70/30 Cu-Ni) alloy tubes -200 to +350 B 111 – C71500 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless copper-nickel (66/30/2/2 Cu-Ni-Fe-Mn) alloy tubes -200 to +350 B 111 – C71640 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades
Seamless nickel tubes -200 to +350 B 163 – N02200 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless low-carbon nickel tubes -200 to +350 B 163 – N02201 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) tubes -200 to +400 B 163 – N04400 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Cr-Fe alloy (Inconel 600) tubes +650 B 163 – N06600 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800) tubes +815 B 163 – N08800 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify C 0.05% maximum. Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800H) tubes +1000 B 407 – N08810 For furnaces and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800 HT) tubes (+1000) B 407 – N08811 For furnaces and unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) tubes -200 to +425 B 163 – N08825 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify stabilized annealed condition if tubes are to be welded to headed boxes. Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Seamless Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy (Inconel 625) tubes +425 B 444 – N06625 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Grade-1 (annealed) material should be used at service temperatures of 539°C and less. Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Seamless Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) tubes +425 B 622 – N10665 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Welded Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) tubes +425 B 626 – N10665 Class 1A For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Seamless Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) tubes +425 B 622 – N06455 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Welded Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) tubes +425 B 626 – N06455 Class 1A For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Seamless Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) tubes +425 (+650) B 622 – N10276 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Welded Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) tubes +425 (+650) B 626 – N10276 Class 1A For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For tubes intended for use with compression fittings, hardness shall not exceed 90 HRB
Seamless Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) tubes (+425) B 622 – N06022 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Welded Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) tubes (+425) B 626 – N06022 Class 1A For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions Intergranular corrosion testing to be carried out
Seamless titanium tubes (+300) B 338 – Grade 2 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions N/A
Welded titanium tubes (+300) B 338 – Grade 2 For unfired heat transfer equipment under certain corrosive conditions N/A


Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Seamless aluminum pipe -200 to +200 B 241 – Alloy 1060 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Al-Mg-Si alloy pipe -200 to +200 B 241 – Alloy 6061 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Al-Mg-Si alloy pipe -200 to +200 B 241 – Alloy 6063 For pipelines under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Al-Mg alloy pipe -200 to +200 B 241 – Alloy 5052 For general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Al-2.7Mg-Mn alloy pipe -200 to +200 B 241 – Alloy 5454 For general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Al-4.5Mg-Mn alloy pipe -200 to +65 B 241 – Alloy 5083 For low-temperature service only Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless copper pipe -200 to +200 B 42 – C12200 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Cu-Zn-Al alloy pipe (Aluminum Brass) -200 to +175 B 111 – C68700 For brackish and seawater service Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Cu-Ni alloy (90/10 Cu-Ni) pipe -200 to +350 B 466 – C70600 For seawater service Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless Cu-Ni alloy (70/30 Cu-Ni) pipe -200 to +350 B 466 – C71500 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Seamless nickel pipe -200 to +350 B 161 – N02200 For certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades.
Seamless low-carbon nickel pipe -200 to +350 B 161 – N02201 For certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades.
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800) pipe -200 to +815 B 407 – N08800 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades. Specify C 0.05% max.
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800H) pipe +1000 B 407 – N08810 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades.
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800HT) pipe +1000 B 407 – N08811 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades.
Seamless Ni-Cr-Fe alloy (Inconel 600) pipe +650 B 167 – N06600 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades.
Cu alloy (Monel 400) pipe +400 N04400 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed and pickled condition for all grades.
Seamless Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) pipe -200 to +425 B 423 – N08825 For certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked, annealed, and pickled condition for all grades. Must pass intergranular corrosion test (ASTM A262). Corrosion rate ≤ 0.3 mm/year.
Welded Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) pipe -200 to +425 B 705 – N08825 Class 2 For certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked and bright annealed condition. Must pass intergranular corrosion test (ASTM A262). Corrosion rate ≤ 0.3 mm/year.
Seamless Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy (Inconel 625) pipe +425 B 444 – N06625 For certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked and bright annealed condition for all grades.
Welded Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy (Inconel 625) pipe +425 B 705 – N06625 Class 2 For certain corrosive conditions Specify cold-worked and bright annealed condition.
Seamless Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) pipe +425 B 622 – N10665 For certain corrosive conditions
Welded Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) pipe +425 B 619 – N10665 For certain corrosive conditions
Seamless Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C4) pipe +425 B 622 – N06455 For certain corrosive conditions
Welded Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) pipe +425 B 619 – N06455 Class II For certain corrosive conditions
Seamless Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) pipe +425 to +650 B 622 – N10276 For certain corrosive conditions
Welded Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) pipe +425 to +650 B 619 – N10276 Class II For certain corrosive conditions
Seamless Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) pipe +425 B 622 – N06022 For certain corrosive conditions
Welded Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) pipe +425 B 619 – N06022 Class II For certain corrosive conditions
Seamless titanium pipe (+300) B 338 – Grade 2 For certain corrosive conditions
Welded titanium pipe (+300) B 338 – Grade 2 For certain corrosive conditions
Seamless titanium pipe for corrosive condition +300 B861 Grade 2 bright annealed
Welded titanium pipe for corrosive condition +300 B862 Grade 2 bright annealed

Forgings, Flanges and Fittings

Designation Metal Temp. (°C) ASTM Remarks Added Requirements
Al-2.5Mg alloy forgings -200 to +200 Alloy 5052 For general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades. Order to ASTM B 247, ASME VIII, Div. 1, para UG 15.
Al-2.7Mg-Mn alloy forgings -200 to +200 Alloy 5454 For general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades. Order to ASTM B 247, ASME VIII, Div. 1, para UG 15.
Al-4.5Mg-Mn alloy forgings -200 to +65 B 247 – Alloy 5083 For low-temperature service only Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Al-Mg-Si alloy forgings -200 to +200 B 247 – Alloy 6061 For certain corrosive conditions and/or low-temperature service Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Al-Mg-Si alloy welding fittings -200 to +200 B 361 – WP 6061 For certain corrosive conditions and/or low-temperature service Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Al-2.5Mg alloy welding fittings -200 to +200 Alloy WP 5052 or WP 5052W For marine atmosphere and general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades. Order to ASTM B 361, ASME VIII, Div. 1, para UG 15.
Al-2.7Mg-Mn alloy welding fittings -200 to +200 Alloy WP 5454 or WP 5454W For marine atmosphere and general use under certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades. Order to ASTM B 361, ASME VIII, Div. 1, para UG 15.
Nickel welding fittings (+325) B 366 – WPNS or WPNW For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Low-carbon nickel welding fittings (+600) B 366 – WPNL or WPNLW For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) forgings -200 to +400 B 564 – N04400 For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) welding fittings -200 to +400 B 366 – WPNCS or WPNCW For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) forgings +650 B 564 – N06600 For high temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cr-Fe alloy (Inconel 600) forgings +650 B 366 – WPNCS or WPNC1W For high temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800) forgings +815 B 564 – Alloy N08800 For extreme temperature service Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. Specify C ≤ 0.05%.
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800H) forgings +1000 B 564 – N08810 For extreme temperature service Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. Appropriate Corrosion Testing to be carried out.
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) forgings (-200) to +450 B 564 – N08825 For extreme temperature service Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice C intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262 (Corrosion rate in this test shall not exceed 0.3 mm/year).
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo alloy (-200) B 366 – For extreme temperature service Specify solution annealed condition. Intergranular Corrosion Testing to be carried out.
Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) welding fittings +450 WPNI CMCS or WPNI CMCW Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. The material shall be capable of passing the Practice C intergranular corrosion test as specified in ASTM A262 (Corrosion rate in this test shall not exceed 0.3 mm/year).
Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) welding fittings +425 B 366 – WPHB2S or WPHB2W For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) welding fittings +425 B 366 – WPHC4 For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. Intergranular Corrosion Testing to be carried out.
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) welding fittings +800 B 366 – WPHC276 For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. Intergranular Corrosion Testing to be carried out.
Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) forgings +425 B 564 – N06022 For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades.
Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) welding fittings +425 B 366 – WPHC22S or WPHC22W For certain corrosive conditions Specify solution annealed condition for all grades. Intergranular Corrosion Testing to be carried out.
Titanium forgings +300 B 381 – Grade F2 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.
Titanium welding fittings +300 B 363 – WPT2 or WPT2W For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition for all grades.


Al-Si alloy castings -200 to +200 B 26 – Alloy B443.0 For certain corrosive conditions Specify B100 Alloy B443.0 for permanent mold castings.
Al-12Si alloy castings -200 to +200 For certain corrosive conditions
Composition bronze (Bronze 85/5/5/5) castings -200 to +175 B 62 – C83600 For flanges, fittings, and valves
Tin bronze (Bronze 88/10/2) castings -200 to +175 B 584 – C90500 For equipment parts to be used in brackish and seawater service and for certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Al bronze castings -200 to +350 B 148 – C95800 For equipment parts to be used in brackish and seawater service and for certain corrosive conditions
Lead in pig form +100 B 29 – Chemical – Copper Lead UNS L55112 For homogeneous linings of equipment under certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) castings -200 to +400 A 494 – M35-1 For certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) castings +425 A 494 – N-7M Class 1 For certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) castings +425 A 494 – CW-2M For certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) castings +425 to +650 A 494 – CW-12MW Class 1 For certain corrosive conditions
50Cr-50Ni-Nb alloy castings +1000 A560 – 50Cr-50Ni-Cb For furnace tube supports exposed to vanadium attack
Titanium castings +250 B367 – Grade C2 For certain corrosive conditions

Bars, Sections and Wire

Extruded aluminum bars, rods, sections (incl. hollow sections), tube, and wire -200 to +200 B 221 – Alloy 1060 For certain corrosive conditions For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Extruded Al-2.5 Mg alloy bars, rods, sections (incl. hollow sections), tube, and wire -200 to +200 B 221 – Alloy 5052 For general use under certain corrosive conditions For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Extruded Al-2.7 Mg-Mn alloy bars, rods, sections (incl. hollow sections), tube, and wire -200 to +200 B 221 – Alloy 5454 For general use under certain corrosive conditions For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Extruded Al-Mg-Si alloy bars, rods, sections -200 to +200 B 221 – Alloy 6063 For general purposes For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades.
Copper bars, rods, and sections -200 to +150 B 133 – C11000 For electrical purposes For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Copper bars, rods, and sections -200 to +150 B 133 – C12200 For general purposes For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Free cutting Cu-Zn alloy bars, rods, and sections -200 to +175 B 16 – C36000 For general purposes For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Cu-Zn-Pb alloy bars, rods, and sections -200 to +150 B140 – C32000 or C31400 For general purposes For bars, rods, and sections, specify annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Cu-Al alloy bars, rods, and sections -200 to +350 B 150 – C63200 For general purposes under certain corrosive conditions
Cu-Ni (90/10) alloy bars, rods, and sections -200 to +350 B 122 – C706 For certain corrosive conditions
Cu-Ni (70/30) alloy bars, rods, and sections -200 to +350 B 122 – C71500 For certain corrosive conditions
Phosphor bronze wire -200 to +175 B 159 – C51000 Condition H08 (Spring Temper) For springs
Nickel bars and rods (+325) B 160 – N02200 For certain corrosive conditions For bars and rods, specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Low-carbon nickel bars and rods -200 +350 B 160 – N02201 For certain corrosive conditions For bars and rods, specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For wire, condition to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) bars, rods and wire -200 +400 B 164 – N04400 For certain corrosive conditions For bars and rods, specify solution annealed condition for all grades. For wire, conditions to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Ni-Cu-Al alloy (Monel K500) bars, rods and wire -200 +400 For certain corrosive conditions requiring high tensile strength Bars and rods should be supplied in the solution-treated and precipitation-hardened condition.
Ni-Cr-Fe alloy (Inconel 600) bars, rods and wire +650 B 166 – N06600 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions For bars and rods, specify the solution annealed condition for all grades. For wire, conditions to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Ni-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy (Inconel 625) bars and rods +425 B 446 – N06625 For certain corrosive conditions For bars and rods, specify the solution annealed condition for all grades. For wire, conditions to be agreed upon for each case individually.
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800) bars, rods and wire +815 B 408 – N08800 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions Specify C 0.05% max.
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800HT) bars, rods and wire +1000 B 408 – N08810 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Fe-Cr alloy (Incoloy 800H) bars, rods and wire (+1000) B 408 – N08811 For high-temperature conditions and/or certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu alloy (Incoloy 825) bars, rods and wire (+425) B 425 – N08825 For certain corrosive conditions Intergranular Corrosion Testing to be carried out.
Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B2) bars and rods (+425) B 335 – N10665 For certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C4) rods (+425) B 574 – N06455 For certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) rods (+800) B 574 – N10276 For certain corrosive conditions
Ni-Cr-Mo alloy (Hastelloy C22) rods for certain corrosive conditions (+425) B 574 – N06022 For certain corrosive conditions
Titanium bars (+300) B 348 – Grade 2 For certain corrosive conditions Specify annealed condition.


Aluminum alloy bolts and nuts -200 +200 F467/468 – A96061 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Cu-Al alloy bolts and nuts -200 +365 F467/468 – C63000 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Cu-Ni (70/30) alloy bolts and nuts -200 +350 F467/468 – C71500 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Ni-Cu alloy (Monel 400) bolts and nuts -200 +400 F467/468 – N04400 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Ni-Cu-Al alloy (Monel K500) bolts and nuts -200 +400 F467/468 – N05500 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Ni-Mo alloy (Hastelloy B) bolts and nuts +425 F467/468 – N10001 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Ni-Mo-Cr alloy (Hastelloy C276) bolts and nuts (+800) F467/468 – N10276 Bolting material may also be selected from Bars specified in the Table above.
Titanium bolts and nuts (+300) F467/468 – Alloy Ti 2 Bolts are primarily intended for use inside equipment.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Materials for Your Project as per Material Selection Guidelines

Choosing the correct material as per Material Selection Guidelines for industrial applications is a nuanced process that balances factors such as corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, thermal stability, and cost-effectiveness. Nickel alloys, Monel, Hastelloy, and titanium stand out for their ability to perform under extreme conditions, making them invaluable in industries like oil and gas, aerospace, and chemical processing. By aligning material properties with operational requirements, businesses can enhance safety, reduce maintenance costs, and extend equipment lifespan. Ultimately, informed material selection leads to greater operational efficiency and ensures that systems remain reliable, even in the most challenging environments.

Super 13Cr

All You Need to Know: Super 13Cr

1. Introduction and Overview

Super 13Cr is a martensitic stainless steel alloy known for its exceptional mechanical strength and moderate corrosion resistance, making it ideal for demanding environments. Originally developed for oil and gas applications, Super 13Cr offers a cost-effective alternative to higher alloyed materials, especially in moderately corrosive environments where chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a concern.

Due to its enhanced mechanical properties and improved corrosion resistance compared to conventional 13Cr stainless steel, Super 13Cr is widely used in industries like oil and gas, chemical processing, pulp and paper, marine and offshore, air pollution control, and power generation.

2. Available Super 13Cr Products and Specifications

Super 13Cr is available in a variety of forms to meet diverse application requirements:

  • UNS Number: S41426
  • Common Name: Super 13Cr
  • W.Nr.: 1.4009
  • ASTM/ASME Standards: ASTM A276, A479, A182
  • Product Forms: Pipe, Tube, Bar, Rod, Forging Stock

3. Applications of Super 13Cr

Super 13Cr’s combination of strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance makes it suitable for various applications:

  • Oil and Gas: Tubing, casing, and pipelines in mildly corrosive environments with CO₂ and limited H₂S exposure.
  • Chemical Processing: Equipment and piping systems handling moderately aggressive chemicals.
  • Pulp and Paper: Components exposed to harsh chemical processing environments.
  • Marine and Offshore: Components in seawater handling, including pumps, valves, and other marine structures.
  • Power Generation: Steam turbine blades and components are exposed to high temperatures and corrosion.
  • Air Pollution Control: Components exposed to aggressive flue gases and acidic environments.
  • Food Processing: Equipment used in environments where hygiene and corrosion resistance are critical.
  • High-Efficiency Residential Furnaces: Heat exchangers due to the material’s durability under high temperatures.

4. Corrosion Resistance Properties

Super 13Cr offers better corrosion resistance than conventional 13Cr stainless steel, particularly in environments containing CO₂. However, it is not suitable for environments with significant H₂S content due to the risk of sulfide stress cracking. The alloy provides good pitting and crevice corrosion resistance in chloride-containing environments and is resistant to stress corrosion cracking under moderate chloride concentrations.

5. Physical and Thermal Properties

  • Density: 7.7 g/cm³
  • Melting Range: 1,400–1,450°C
  • Thermal Conductivity: 25 W/mK at 20°C
  • Specific Heat: 460 J/kg·K
  • Thermal Expansion Coefficient: 10.3 x 10⁻⁶/°C (20–100°C)

6. Chemical Composition

Typical chemical composition of Super 13Cr includes:

  • Chromium (Cr): 12.0–14.0%
  • Nickel (Ni): 3.5–5.5%
  • Molybdenum (Mo): 1.5–2.5%
  • Carbon (C): ≤0.03%
  • Manganese (Mn): ≤1.0%
  • Silicon (Si): ≤1.0%
  • Phosphorus (P): ≤0.04%
  • Sulfur (S): ≤0.03%
  • Iron (Fe): Balance

7. Mechanical Properties

  • Tensile Strength: 690–930 MPa
  • Yield Strength: 550–650 MPa
  • Elongation: ≥20%
  • Hardness: 250–320 HB
  • Impact Toughness: Excellent, especially after heat treatment.

8. Heat Treatment

Super 13Cr is typically hardened through heat treatment to improve its mechanical properties. The heat treatment process involves quenching and tempering to achieve the desired combination of strength and toughness. The typical heat treatment cycle includes:

  • Solution Annealing: Heating to 950–1050°C, followed by rapid cooling.
  • Tempering: Reheating to 600–700°C to adjust hardness and toughness.

9. Forming

Super 13Cr can be hot or cold-formed, although it is more challenging to form than austenitic grades due to its higher strength and lower ductility. Preheating before forming and post-forming heat treatments are often necessary to avoid cracking.

10. Welding

Welding Super 13Cr requires careful control to avoid cracking and maintain corrosion resistance. Preheat and post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) are typically required. Filler materials should be compatible with Super 13Cr to ensure weld quality. Special care must be taken to avoid hydrogen embrittlement.

11. Corrosion of Welds

Welds in Super 13Cr can be susceptible to localized corrosion, particularly in the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Post-weld heat treatment is critical to restore corrosion resistance, reduce residual stresses, and improve toughness in the welded area.

12. Descaling, Pickling, and Cleaning

Descaling of Super 13Cr can be challenging due to the formation of a tough oxide scale during heat treatment. Mechanical methods like blasting or chemical treatments using pickling solutions can be employed to remove scale. The alloy requires thorough cleaning after pickling to avoid contamination and ensure optimal corrosion resistance.

13. Surface Hardening

Super 13Cr can undergo surface hardening treatments like nitriding to enhance its wear resistance without compromising its corrosion resistance. Nitriding helps improve the alloy’s durability in abrasive and high-friction environments.


Super 13Cr offers a versatile solution for industries where moderate corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength are required. Its balanced properties make it a popular choice in oil and gas, chemical processing, and marine applications, among others. By understanding its unique characteristics—from corrosion resistance to weldability—engineers and materials specialists can make informed decisions to optimize performance and longevity in their specific environments.

This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of Super 13Cr’s specifications and properties, equipping industries with the knowledge to make the best use of this advanced material.

CHS SHS RHS Structural Hollow Sections

S355J0H vs S355J2H: Knowledge of Hollow Structural Sections


When working in construction, particularly in infrastructure projects, selecting the right steel grade for structural hollow sections is critical. Two commonly specified grades are S355J0H and S355J2H, both used extensively in structural hollow sections such as Circular Hollow Sections (CHS), Square Hollow Sections (SHS), and Rectangular Hollow Sections (RHS). These grades are defined under EN 10219 (Cold-Formed Welded Structural Hollow Sections of Non-Alloy and Fine Grain Steels) and EN 10210 (Hot-Finished Structural Hollow Sections of Non-Alloy and Fine Grain Steels). This article aims to provide a detailed, expert comparison of S355J0H vs S355J2H, offering guidance on their properties, applications, and suitability for infrastructure construction projects.

Understanding S355 Steel Grades

S355 steel is widely known for its strength, durability, and versatility, making it ideal for structural components in various applications, especially in construction. Both S355J0H and S355J2H belong to the S355 family, which signifies:

  • S for structural steel
  • 355 indicates the minimum yield strength of 355 MPa
  • J0 and J2 represent different impact toughness at specific temperatures
  • H denotes suitability for hollow sections

While these grades share the same minimum yield strength, their distinction lies primarily in the impact energy requirements, which directly affect their performance in different environmental conditions.

Mechanical Properties Comparison: S355J0H vs S355J2H

Both S355J0H and S355J2H share similar mechanical characteristics but differ in their ability to absorb impact at different temperatures:

Property S355J0H S355J2H
Yield Strength ≥ 355 MPa ≥ 355 MPa
Tensile Strength 470-630 MPa 470-630 MPa
Impact Energy ≥ 27J @ 0°C ≥ 27J @ -20°C
Elongation 20-22% (depending on section size) 20-22% (depending on section size)
  • S355J0H ensures a minimum impact toughness of 27 Joules at 0°C.
  • S355J2H offers greater toughness, with a minimum of 27 Joules at -20°C, making it more suitable for colder environments.

S355J0H vs S355J2H: Applications and Suitability

The choice between S355J0H and S355J2H often depends on the project’s environmental conditions. Below, we outline where each grade excels:

S355J0H: General Purpose Structural Steel

  • Usage: S355J0H is typically used in mild or temperate environments where the temperature does not drop below freezing. This makes it ideal for infrastructure in regions with moderate climates, such as parts of Southern Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
  • Examples: Bridges, Stadiums, General buildings and towers

S355J0H performs well in environments where impact at lower temperatures is not a critical factor. This grade provides cost-efficiency while still delivering reliable structural integrity.

S355J2H: Tougher in Colder Climates

  • Usage: S355J2H is better suited for colder environments, such as Northern Europe, Canada, or mountainous regions, where temperatures regularly fall below zero. Its enhanced impact toughness makes it more reliable in these conditions, ensuring durability and resilience.
  • Examples: Offshore structures, Cold storage facilities, Projects in mountainous or northern climates

Given its higher toughness, S355J2H is often the material of choice for applications requiring increased safety margins in cold weather conditions.

Standards and Manufacturing: S355J0H vs S355J2H, EN 10219 vs EN 10210

EN 10219 (Cold-Formed Sections)

  • S355J0H and S355J2H both comply with the EN 10219 standard, which specifies cold-formed welded hollow sections. These sections are used when weight savings and cost-effectiveness are primary concerns.
  • Applications: Cold-formed sections are often used in lighter structures and where surface finish is important, such as in architectural features.

EN 10210 (Hot-Finished Sections)

  • S355J0H and S355J2H are also available in EN 10210 hot-finished form. This process results in sections with improved ductility, toughness, and dimensional accuracy, making them more suitable for heavier loads and harsh environments.
  • Applications: Hot-finished hollow sections are preferred for high-stress applications such as offshore platforms, heavy bridges, and cranes.

Cold-Formed vs. Hot-Finished Hollow Sections

While both S355J0H and S355J2H can be produced using either cold-forming (EN 10219) or hot-finishing (EN 10210), the choice between cold-formed or hot-finished sections depends on several factors:

  • Cold-Formed: Suitable for lightweight structures, cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, and with a good surface finish.
  • Hot-Finished: Offers superior toughness, dimensional consistency, and fatigue resistance, ideal for high-load and dynamic structures.

S355J0H vs S355J2H: Key Differences and Selection Guidelines

To help you choose between S355J0H and S355J2H, here’s a breakdown of the main factors:

Factors S355J0H S355J2H
Impact Toughness 27J @ 0°C 27J @ -20°C
Climatic Suitability Moderate temperatures Colder climates, sub-zero environments
Typical Applications Bridges, buildings, moderate climate structures Offshore, cold storage, structures in cold areas
Standard Availability EN 10219 and EN 10210 EN 10219 and EN 10210
Cost Generally lower Typically higher due to toughness properties

When selecting between these two grades:

Choose S355J0H for cost-efficiency in mild to moderate climates where sub-zero temperatures are not expected.

Choose S355J2H for better toughness and safety in colder climates or when higher impact resistance is required.

Common FAQs

Which grade is more cost-effective?

S355J0H is often more economical for projects in environments where extreme cold is not a concern.

Do I need S355J2H for all projects in cold climates?

Yes, especially in regions where temperatures fall below zero, S355J2H offers greater resilience and safety margins.

Can both grades be used in the same project?

Yes, both grades can be used in the same project, provided that their specific roles in the structure are carefully evaluated based on environmental conditions.

Conclusion: S355J0H vs S355J2H, Selecting the Right Grade for Your Project

The choice between S355J0H and S355J2H hinges largely on the environmental conditions of the project. While both grades provide robust strength and versatility for structural hollow sections, S355J2H offers superior performance in colder climates due to its enhanced impact toughness. On the other hand, S355J0H delivers a more cost-effective solution for projects in temperate regions.

For infrastructure and construction professionals, understanding the specific performance needs of your project—whether it’s a bridge, stadium, or offshore platform—is crucial in making the right material choice. Both S355J0H and S355J2H ensure high reliability, but careful selection guarantees both safety and cost-efficiency for long-term structural success.

This blog provides essential guidance on choosing between S355J0H and S355J2H for structural hollow sections in infrastructure construction. If you have any further questions or need project-specific advice, feel free to reach out for more tailored support.

ASME B36.10M ASME B36.19M

Everything You Need to Know: ASME B36.10M vs ASME B36.19M


This guide will explore the key differences between ASME B36.10 M and ASME B36.19 M and offer clarity on their applications in the oil and gas field. Understanding these distinctions can help engineers, procurement teams, and project managers make informed decisions, ensuring optimal material selection and compliance with industry standards.

In the oil and gas industry, choosing the correct piping standard is crucial for ensuring pipeline systems’ safety, durability, and efficiency. Among the widely recognized standards, ASME B36.10M and ASME B36.19M are essential references for specifying the dimensions of pipes used in industrial applications. While both standards relate to pipe dimensions, they differ in scope, materials, and intended applications.

1. Overview of ASME Standards

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) is a globally recognized organization that sets standards for mechanical systems, including piping. Its standards for pipes are used across many industries, including oil and gas, for manufacturing and operational purposes.

ASME B36.10M: This standard covers welded and seamless wrought steel pipes for high-pressure, temperature, and corrosive environments.

ASME B36.19M: This standard applies to welded and seamless stainless steel pipes, predominantly used in industries requiring corrosion resistance.

2. ASME B36.10M vs ASME B36.19M: Key Differences

2.1 Material Composition

ASME B36.10M focuses on carbon steel pipes, commonly used in environments where high strength and resistance to high pressure are needed. These pipes are more cost-effective and widely available for structural and process piping applications.

ASME B36.19M is dedicated to stainless steel pipes chosen for applications requiring higher corrosion resistance. Stainless steel’s unique properties make it ideal for environments exposed to harsh chemicals, high temperatures, or saline, such as offshore oil and gas facilities.

2.2 Dimensional Differences

The most apparent difference between these two standards lies in their pipe wall thickness designations:

ASME B36.10M: This standard uses the Schedule Number System, where pipe wall thickness increases as the schedule number increases (e.g., Schedule 40, Schedule 80). The wall thickness varies significantly depending on the nominal pipe size (NPS).

ASME B36.19M: While this standard also uses the schedule number system, it introduces Schedule 5S, 10S, 40S, and 80S, where the “S” indicates stainless steel. The wall thickness in B36.19M pipes is generally thinner than in carbon steel pipes of the same nominal size under B36.10M.

2.3 Common Applications

ASME B36.10M:

  1. They are used primarily for carbon steel pipes in environments requiring strength and pressure containment.
  2. Common in oil and gas transportation, refining facilities, and industrial pipelines.
  3. Suitable for applications with significant pressure variations or where corrosive resistance is not a major factor.

ASME B36.19M:

  1. Selected for stainless steel piping systems, particularly in corrosive environments or where hygiene and contamination resistance are critical.
  2. Common in chemical processing, refineries, offshore oil and gas installations, and high-purity gas pipelines.
  3. Stainless steel pipes are preferred in systems exposed to saltwater (offshore), high moisture levels, and corrosive chemicals.

3. ASME B36.10M vs ASME B36.19M: Thickness and Weight Considerations

Understanding the wall thickness and weight differences is critical for selecting the appropriate standard. ASME B36.10M pipes have thicker walls at the same schedule number compared to ASME B36.19M pipes. For example, Schedule 40 carbon steel pipes will have a greater wall thickness than Schedule 40S stainless steel pipes.

This distinction affects weight: B36.10M pipes are heavier and often a critical factor in structural applications, especially in aboveground and underground pipelines with critical external loads. Conversely, B36.19M pipes are lighter, reducing weight significantly in projects where material handling and support are concerns.

4. ASME B36.10M vs ASME B36.19M: How to Choose

When determining whether to use ASME B36.10M or B36.19M, several factors should be considered:

4.1 Corrosion Resistance

If the application involves exposure to corrosive chemicals, moisture, or saltwater, ASME B36.19M stainless steel pipes should be the primary choice.

ASME B36.10M carbon steel pipes are more appropriate in less corrosive environments or where high strength at a lower cost is required.

4.2 Pressure and Temperature Conditions

Carbon steel pipes covered under ASME B36.10M are suitable for high-pressure or high-temperature systems due to their higher strength and thicker walls.

Stainless steel pipes under ASME B36.19M are preferred for moderate-pressure and high-corrosion environments.

4.3 Cost Considerations

Carbon steel pipes (ASME B36.10M) are generally more cost-effective than stainless steel pipes (ASME B36.19M), especially when corrosion resistance is not a significant factor.

However, in the long run, stainless steel may offer cost savings by reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements in corrosive environments.

4.4 Compliance and Standards

Many oil and gas projects require adherence to specific standards for material selection, depending on environmental factors and project requirements. Ensuring compliance with industry standards like ASME B36.10M and B36.19M is crucial for meeting safety and operational guidelines.

5. Conclusion

ASME B36.10M and ASME B36.19M play pivotal roles in the oil and gas industry, with each standard serving distinct purposes based on material, environment, and application. Choosing the proper pipe standard involves carefully considering factors like corrosion resistance, pressure, temperature, and cost.

ASME B36.10M is typically the go-to standard for carbon steel pipes in high-pressure applications, whereas ASME B36.19M is more suited to stainless steel pipes for corrosive environments. By understanding the differences between these two standards, engineers and project managers can make informed decisions that ensure safety, performance, and cost-efficiency in their pipeline systems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can ASME B36.19M pipes be used instead of ASME B36.10M?
Not directly. B36.19M pipes are generally thinner and designed for stainless steel applications, while B36.10M is thicker and made for carbon steel systems.

2. How does wall thickness affect the choice between ASME B36.10M and ASME B36.19M?
Wall thickness impacts the pipe’s strength, pressure rating, and weight. Thicker walls (B36.10M) provide higher strength and pressure tolerance, while thinner walls (B36.19M) offer corrosion resistance in lower-pressure systems.

3. Are stainless steel pipes more expensive than carbon steel?
Yes, stainless steel is generally more expensive due to its corrosion-resistant properties. However, it can offer long-term cost savings when corrosion is a concern.

This guide provides clear insights into ASME B36.10M and ASME B36.19M, helping you navigate material selection in the oil and gas industry. For more detailed guidance, consult the relevant ASME standards or engage a professional engineer specializing in pipeline design and materials.

Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ)

All You Need to Know: Heat-Affected Zone in Pipeline Welding


In pipeline welding, the integrity of welded joints is crucial to ensuring the long-term safety, durability, and efficiency of the pipeline infrastructure. One critical aspect of this process that is often overlooked is the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ)—the area of the base metal that is altered due to the heat applied during welding. While the HAZ doesn’t melt during the process, the heat can still change the microstructure of the material, impacting its mechanical properties and performance.

This blog aims to offer a deep understanding of the Heat-Affected Zone, including what it is, why it matters in pipeline welding, and how to mitigate its potential negative impacts. Our goal is to provide clear, expert guidance to help professionals in the pipeline welding field manage and optimize the effects of the HAZ in their work.

What is the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ)?

The Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ) refers to the portion of the base metal adjacent to the weld that has been subjected to high temperatures but did not reach its melting point. During welding, the fusion zone (where the metal melts) heats the surrounding material to temperatures sufficient to cause changes in its microstructure.

While these changes can enhance some properties, they often lead to undesirable effects such as increased brittleness, reduced corrosion resistance, or susceptibility to cracking—particularly in critical applications like pipelines, where mechanical integrity is paramount.

Why the HAZ Matters in Pipeline Welding

In pipeline welding, the HAZ is a key factor influencing the long-term performance of welded joints. Here’s why it matters:

1. Impact on Mechanical Properties:

The high temperatures in the HAZ can cause grain growth, leading to reduced toughness and making the area more prone to cracking, especially under stress or dynamic loads.

In steels, rapid cooling of the HAZ can lead to the formation of brittle microstructures such as martensite, which reduces the ductility of the material and increases the risk of failure.

If not properly controlled, changes in the HAZ can reduce the pipeline’s fatigue resistance, which is essential for handling fluctuating pressures over time.

2. Corrosion Resistance:

Pipelines are often exposed to harsh environments, from offshore conditions to chemical processes. Changes in the HAZ can make this region more susceptible to localized corrosion, especially in areas where the weld and base material have differing corrosion properties.

3. Weld Strength:

The HAZ can become the weakest part of the weld if not properly managed. A poorly controlled HAZ may compromise the entire joint, leading to leakages, cracks, or even catastrophic failures, particularly in high-pressure pipelines.

Common Concerns Regarding the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ) in Pipeline Welding

Given the significance of the HAZ in pipeline welding, several concerns often arise among professionals working in the field:

1. How Can the HAZ Be Minimized?

Controlled Heat Input: One of the best ways to minimize the size of the HAZ is by carefully managing the heat input during welding. Excessive heat input leads to larger HAZs, which increases the risk of unwanted changes in the microstructure.

Faster Welding Speeds: Increasing the speed of the welding process reduces the time that the metal is exposed to high temperatures, thus limiting the HAZ.

Optimizing Welding Parameters: Adjusting parameters like current, voltage, and electrode size ensures that the HAZ is kept within acceptable limits.

2. What Can Be Done About Hardening in the HAZ?

Rapid cooling after welding can result in hardened microstructures like martensite, particularly in carbon steels. This can be mitigated by:

Preheating: Preheating the base metal before welding helps to slow down the cooling rate, reducing the formation of brittle phases.

Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT): PWHT is used to relieve residual stresses and temper the hardened microstructure, thus improving the toughness of the HAZ.

3. How Can I Ensure the Integrity of the HAZ in Service?

Nondestructive Testing (NDT): Techniques like ultrasonic testing or radiographic testing can be used to detect cracks or defects in the HAZ that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Corrosion Testing: Ensuring that the HAZ meets corrosion resistance requirements is critical, especially in pipelines transporting corrosive substances. Testing the weld for uniformity of corrosion properties between the weld metal and base metal is key to avoiding failures in service.

Monitoring Welding Procedures: Adhering to strict welding procedures and using certified welders ensures that the HAZ remains within acceptable quality standards, reducing the risk of long-term issues.

Best Practices for Managing the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ) in Pipeline Welding

To effectively manage the HAZ and ensure the longevity and safety of welded joints in pipelines, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use Low Heat Input Welding Processes: Processes such as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) or Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) can help reduce the heat input compared to higher-energy methods, limiting the size of the HAZ.
  2. Preheating and PWHT: In cases where brittle phases or excessive hardness are a concern, preheating and post-weld heat treatment are essential. Preheating reduces the thermal gradient, and PWHT helps to relieve internal stresses and soften the material.
  3. Choose the Right Materials: Selecting materials that are less sensitive to heat input, such as low-carbon steels or specialized alloys, can significantly reduce the impact of the HAZ.
  4. Perform Regular Inspections: Pipeline systems should undergo regular inspection and maintenance. Monitoring the HAZ through NDT ensures that any defects are detected early and can be addressed before they compromise the system’s integrity.
  5. Adhere to Welding Codes and Standards: Following industry standards such as ASME B31.3, API 1104, and other relevant guidelines ensures that the welding procedures meet stringent safety and quality requirements.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ) Control for Pipeline Integrity

In pipeline welding, understanding and controlling the Heat-Affected Zone is vital to ensuring the structural integrity and longevity of the pipeline. By applying best practices such as controlling heat input, utilizing pre- and post-weld treatments, and performing regular inspections, pipeline welders can significantly mitigate the risks associated with the HAZ.

For professionals in the field, staying informed and proactive about HAZ management is essential—not only for the safety of the infrastructure but also for compliance with industry standards and regulations.

By giving proper attention to the HAZ, welders can ensure that pipelines perform reliably under the most demanding conditions, reducing the likelihood of failures and ensuring a longer service life.

Welding Electrodes Selection Guideline

How to Pick the Right One for Your Project: Welding Electrodes


Welding is a critical process in many industries, especially in the fabrication and joining of metal materials like steel pipes, plates, fittings, flanges, and valves. The success of any welding operation depends heavily on choosing the right welding electrodes. Selecting the appropriate electrode ensures strong, durable welds and reduces the risk of defects, which can compromise the integrity of the welded structure. This guideline aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Welding Electrodes, offering valuable insights and solutions for common user concerns.

Understanding Welding Electrodes

Welding electrodes, often referred to as welding rods, serve as the filler material used in joining metals. Electrodes are classified into two categories:

  • Consumable Electrodes: These melt during welding and contribute material to the joint (e.g., SMAW, GMAW).
  • Non-Consumable Electrodes: These do not melt during welding (e.g., GTAW).

Electrodes come in different types, depending on the welding process, base material, and environmental conditions.

Key Factors to Consider for Welding Electrodes Selection

1. Base Material Composition

The chemical composition of the metal to be welded plays a critical role in electrode selection. The electrode material must be compatible with the base material to avoid contamination or weak welds. For example:

  • Carbon steel: Use carbon steel electrodes like E6010, E7018.
  • Stainless steel: Use stainless steel electrodes such as E308L, E316L.
  • Alloy steels: Match the electrode to the alloy grade (e.g., E8018-B2 for Cr-Mo steels).

2. Welding Position

The electrode’s usability in different welding positions (flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead) is another key factor. Some electrodes, such as E7018, can be used in all positions, while others, like E6010, are particularly good for vertical-down welding.

3. Joint Design and Thickness

  • Thicker materials: For welding thick materials, electrodes with deep penetration capabilities (e.g., E6010) are suitable.
  • Thin materials: For thinner sections, low-penetration electrodes like E7018 or GTAW rods can prevent burn-through.

4. Welding Environment

  • Outdoor vs. Indoor: For outdoor welding, where wind can blow away shielding gas, stick welding electrodes like E6010 and E6011 are ideal due to their self-shielding properties.
  • High moisture environments: Electrode coatings must resist moisture absorption to avoid hydrogen-induced cracking. Low-hydrogen electrodes such as E7018 are often used in damp conditions.

5. Mechanical Properties

Consider the mechanical requirements of the welded joint, such as:

  • Tensile strength: The electrode’s tensile strength must match or exceed that of the base material.
  • Impact toughness: In low-temperature applications (e.g., cryogenic pipelines), choose electrodes designed for good toughness, such as E8018-C3 for -50°C service.

Welding Electrodes Selection Guideline Chart

P numbers 1st Base metal 2nd Base metal SMAW-best
 UNS Notes
A) For matl data info, P & A #’s,,see (Sec 9, QW Art-4,#422)… (For specific matl see ASME Sect 2-A matls)
B) PWHT REQ’D column does  UNS N0t reflect comprehensive heat requirements for all matl, advise further research! (See Sec 8, UCS-56 & UHT-56),,,,,, PreHeat req (See Sec 8 App R)
C) Pink hi-lite means there is missing data and more information is required!
CoCr SA240,Type-304H
(304H SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P1 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
P1 to P8 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 SS)
P1 to P8 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP304
(304L SS)
P1 to P8 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP316
(316 SS)
P1 to P4 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA335, Gr-P11 E8018-B2
P1 to P5A SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA335, Gr-P22 E9018-B3
P1 to P45 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SB464, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Pipe)
ER309 Includes alloys 8020, 8024, 8026
P1 to P1 SA106, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
SA106, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel SMLS Pipe)
P1 to P1 SA178, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Tubes)
SA178, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Tubes)
P1 to P1 SA178, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Tubes)
SA178, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Tubes)
P1 to P1 SA178, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Tubes)
SA178, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Tubes)
P1 to P1 SA179
Cold-Drawn Low Carbon Steel Tubes
Cold-Drawn Low Carbon Steel Tubes
P1 to P1 SA181,Cl-60
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
P1 to P1 SA181,Cl-70
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
E7018    ER80S-D2 ER80S-D2
P3 to P3 SA182, Gr-F1
(C-1/2Mo, Hi-Temp Service)
SA182, Gr-F1
(C-1/2Mo, Hi-Temp Service)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-F10
(310 SS)
SA182, Gr-F10
(310 SS)
ER310 F10  UNS N0t in current Sec. II
P4 to P4 SA182, Gr-F11
(1 1/4 Cr 1/2 Mo)
SA182, Gr-F11
(1 1/4 Cr 1/2 Mo)
P4 to P4 SA182, Gr-F12
(1 Cr 1/2 Mo)
SA182, Gr-F12
(1 Cr 1/2 Mo)
P3 to P3 SA182, Gr-F2
(1/2 Cr 1/2 MO)
SA182, Gr-F2
(1/2 Cr 1/2 Mo)
P5A to P5A SA182, Gr-F21
(3 Cr 1Mo)
SA182, Gr-F21
(3 Cr 1 Mo)
P5A to P5A SA182, Gr-F22
(2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo)
SA182, Gr-F22
(2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-F304
(304 SS)
SA182, Gr-F304
(304 SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-F310
(310 SS)
SA182, Gr-F310
(310 SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-F316
(316 SS)
SA182, Gr-F316
(316 SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-F316
(316 SS)
SA249, Gr-TP317
(317 SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-F316L
(316L SS)
SA182, Gr-F316L
(316L SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-321
(321 SS)
SA182, Gr-321
(321 SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-347
(347 SS)
SA182, Gr-347
(347 SS)
P8 to P8 SA182, Gr-348
(348 SS)
SA182, Gr-348
(348 SS)
P7 to P7 SA182, Gr-F430
(17 Cr)
SA182, Gr-F430
(17 Cr)
P5B to P5B SA182, Gr-F5
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo)
SA182, Gr-F5
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo)
P5B to P5B SA182, Gr-F5a
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo)
SA182, Gr-F5a
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo)
P6 to P6 SA182, Gr-F6a,C
(13 Cr, Tp410)
SA182, Gr-F6a,C
(13 Cr, Tp410)
P1 to P1 SA192
(Carbon Steel SMLS Boiler Tubes)
(Carbon Steel SMLS Boiler Tubes)
P4 to P4 SA199, Gr T11 SA199, Gr T11 E8018-B2
Y SA199 – Deleted spec
P5A to P5A SA199, Gr T21 SA199, Gr T21 E9018-B3
Y SA199 – Deleted spec
P5A to P5A SA199, Gr T22 SA199, Gr T22 E9018-B3
ER90S-B3 Y SA199 – Deleted spec
P4 to P4 SA199, Gr T3b SA199, Gr T3b E9018-B3
Y SA199 – Deleted spec
P5A to P5A SA199, Gr T4 SA199, Gr T4 E9018-B3
Y SA199 – Deleted spec
P5B to P5B SA199, Gr T5 SA199, Gr T5 E8018-B6-15
Y SA199 – Deleted spec
P4 to P4 SA202, Gr-A
(Alloy Steel, Cr, Mn, Si)
SA202, Gr-A
(Alloy Steel, Cr, Mn, Si)
P4 to P4 SA202, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Cr, Mn, Si)
SA202, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Cr, Mn, Si)
ER80S-D2 Y
P9A to P9A SA203, Gr-A
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
SA203, Gr-A
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
P9A to P9A SA203, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
SA203, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
P9B to P9B SA203, Gr-D
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
SA203, Gr-D
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
P9B to P9B SA203, Gr-E
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
SA203, Gr-E
(Alloy Steel, Nickel)
P3 to P3 SA204, Gr-A
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
SA204, Gr-A
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
P3 to P3 SA204, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
SA204, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
P3 to P5B SA204, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
SA387, Gr-5
(5Cr1/2Mo Plate)
ER80S-B6 Y
P3 to P43 SA204, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
SB168, UNS N066xx ENiCrFe-5
ERNiCr-3 High Nickel/Chrome, need final two digits to determine composition
P3 to P3 SA204, Gr-C
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
SA204, Gr-C
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
P3 to P3 SA209, Gr-T1
(C 1/2Mo Boiler Tube)
SA209, Gr-T1
(C 1/2Mo Boiler Tube)
P3 to P3 SA209, Gr-T1a
(C 1/2Mo Boiler Tube)
SA209, Gr-T1a
(C 1/2Mo Boiler Tube)
P3 to P3 SA209, Gr-T1b
(C 1/2Mo Boiler Tube)
SA209, Gr-T1b
(C 1/2Mo Boiler Tube)
P1 to P1 SA210, Gr-C
(Medium CS Boiler Tubes)
SA210, Gr-C
(Medium CS Boiler Tubes)
P4 to P4 SA213, Gr-T11
(1 1/4Cr,1/2Mo Tubes)
SA213, Gr-T11
(1 1/4CR,1/2Mo Tubes)
P4 to P4 SA213, Gr-T12
(1 Cr,1/2Mo Tubes)
SA213, Gr-T12
(1 CR,1/2Mo Tubes)
P10B to P10B SA213, Gr-T17
(1 Cr Tubes)
SA213, Gr-T17
(1 Cr Tubes)
P3 to P3 SA213, Gr-T2
(1/2 Cr, 1/2Mo Tubes)
SA213, Gr-T2
(1/2CR, 1/2MO Tubes)
P5A to P5A SA213, Gr-T21
(3Cr, 1/2Mo Tubes)
SA213, Gr-T21
(3 CR,1/2Mo Tubes)
P5A to P5A SA213, Gr-T22
(2 1/4Cr 1Mo Tube)
SA213, Gr-T22
(2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo Tube)
ER90S-B3 Y
P4 to P4 SA213, Gr-T3b SA213, Gr-T3b E9018-B3
P5B to P5B SA213, Gr-T5
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo Tube)
SA213, Gr-T5
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo Tube)
P5B to P5B SA213, Gr-T5b
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo Tube)
SA213, Gr-T5b
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo Tube)
P5B to P5B SA213, Gr-T5c
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo Tube)
SA213, Gr-T5c
(5 Cr 1/2 Mo Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP304
(304 SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP304
(304 SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP304L
(304L SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP304L
(304L SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP310
(310 SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP310
(310 SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP316
(316 SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP316
(316 SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP316L
(316L SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP316L
(316L SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP321
(321 SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP321
(321 SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP347
(347 SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP347
(347 SS Tube)
P8 to P8 SA213, Gr-TP348
(348 SS Tube)
SA213, Gr-TP348
(348 SS Tube)
P1 to P1 SA214
(Carbon Steel RW Tubes)
(Carbon Steel RW Tubes)
P1 to P1 SA216, Gr-WCA
(C.S Hi-Temp Casting)
SA216, Gr-WCA
(C.S Hi-Temp Casting)
P1 to P1 SA216, Gr-WCB
(C.S Hi-Temp Casting)
SA216, Gr-WCB
(C.S Hi-Temp Casting)
P1 to P1 SA216, Gr-WCC
(C.S Hi-Temp Casting)
SA216, Gr-WCC
(C.S Hi-Temp Casting)
P6 to P6 SA217, Gr-CA15
(13Cr1/2Mo Hi-Temp Casting)
SA217, Gr-CA15
(13Cr1/2Mo Hi-Temp Casting)
P3 to P3 SA217, Gr-WC1
(C1/2Mo Hi-Temp Casting)
SA217, Gr-WC1
(C1/2Mo Hi-Temp Casting)
P4 to P4 SA217, Gr-WC4
(NiCrMo Hi-Temp Casting)
SA217, Gr-WC4
(NiCrMo Hi-Temp Casting)
P4 to P4 SA217, Gr-WC5
(NiCrMo Hi-Temp Casting)
SA217, Gr-WC5
(NiCrMo Hi-Temp Casting)
ER80S-B2 E80C
P5A to P5A SA217, Gr-WC9
(CrMo Hi-Temp Casting)
SA217, Gr-WC9
(CrMo Hi-Temp Casting)
ER90S-B3 E90C
P10A to P10A SA225, Gr-C
(MnVaNi Plate)
SA225, Gr-C
(MnVaNi Plate)
E11018-M E11018-M
P10A to P10A SA225, Gr-D
(MnVaNi Plate)
SA225, Gr-D
(MnVaNi Plate)
P1 to P1 SA226
(Carbon Steel RW Tubes)
(Carbon Steel RW Tubes)
SA 226 deleted from ASME Sect. II
P3 to P3 SA234, Gr-WP1
(C1/2Mo Pipe Fittings)
SA234, Gr-WP1
(C1/2Mo Pipe Fittings)
P4 to P4 SA234, Gr-WP11
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Pipe Fittings)
SA234, Gr-WP11
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Pipe Fittings)
P5A to P5A SA234, Gr-WP22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Pipe Fittings)
SA234, Gr-WP22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Pipe Fittings)
P5B to P5B SA234, Gr-WP5
(5Cr1/2Mo Pipe Fittings)
SA234, Gr-WP5
(5Cr1/2Mo Pipe Fittings)
P1 to P1 SA234, Gr-WPB
(CrMo Pipe Fittings)
SA234, Gr-WPB
(CrMo Pipe Fittings)
P1 to P1 SA234, Gr-WPC
(CrMo Pipe Fittings)
SA234, Gr-WPC
(CrMo Pipe Fittings)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-302
(302 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(302 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P42 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB127, UNS N04400
(63Ni30Cu Plate)
P8 to P41 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB162, UNS N02200,
2201   (Nickel-99%)
Eni-1 ERNi-1
P8 to P43 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB168, UNS N066xx ENiCrFe-5
ERNiCr-3 Multiple 6600 series alloys, need more info
P8 to P44 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB333, UNS N10001
(Nickel Molybdenum Plate)
P8 to P45 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
Includes alloys 8800, 8810, 8811
P8 to P43 SA240,Type-304
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB435, UNS N06002
(NiFeCr Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-304H
(304H SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(304H SS Heat-resistant Plate)
E308H-16 ER308
P8 to P9B SA240,Type-304L
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SA203, Gr-E
(Alloy Steel, Nickel Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-304L
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P1 SA240,Type-304L
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SA516, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel)
P8 to P45 SA240,Type-304L
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB625, UNS N089xx
(NiCrMoCu Plate)
ENiCrMo-3 Multiple 8900 series alloys, need more info
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-309S
(309S Heat-resistant SS Plate)
SA240,Type 309S
(309S Heat-resistant SS Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-316
(316 Heat-resistant SS Plate)
SA240,Type 316
(316 Heat-resistant SS Plate)
P8 to P43 SA240,Type-316
(316 Heat-resistant SS Plate)
SB168, UNS N066xx ENiCrFe-5
ERNiCr-3 Multiple 6600 series alloys, need more info
P8 to P45 SA240,Type-316
(316 Heat-resistant SS Plate)
SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
ENiCrFe-2 Includes alloys 8800, 8810, 8811
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-316L
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P43 SA240,Type-316L
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB168, UNS N066xx ENiCrFe-3 Multiple 6600 series alloys, need more info
P8 to P45 SA240,Type-316L
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
SB463, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Plate)
ERNiMo-3 Includes alloys 8020, 8024, 8026
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-317
(317 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(317 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-317L
(317L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(317L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
E317L -15
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-321
(321 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(321 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-347
(347 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(347 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P8 SA240,Type-348
(348 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
(348 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P7 to P7 SA240,Type-405
(405 Heat-resistant Plate)
(405  Heat-resistant Plate)
P6 to P8 SA240,Type-410
(410 Heat-resistant Plate)
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P6 to P7 SA240,Type-410
(410 Heat-resistant Plate)
(405 Heat-resistant Plate)
P6 to P6 SA240,Type-410
(410 Heat-resistant Plate)
(410 Heat-resistant Plate)
P6 to P7 SA240,Type-410
(410 Heat-resistant Plate)
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
P7 to P7 SA240,Type-410S
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
P7 to P7 SA240,Type-430
(430 Heat-resistant Plate)
(430 Heat-resistant Plate)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-316L
(316L Tubes)
SA249, Gr-316L
(316L Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP304
(304 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP304
(304 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP304L
(304L Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP304L
(304L Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP309
(309 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP309
(309 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP310
(310 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP317
(317 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP310
(310 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP310
(310 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP316
(316 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP316
(316 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP316H
(316H Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP316H
(316H Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-316L
(316L Tubes)
SA249, Gr-316L
(316L Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP317
(317 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP317
(317 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP321
(321 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP321
(321 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP347
(347 Tubes)
SA249, Gr-TP347
(347 Tubes)
P8 to P8 SA249, Gr-TP348
(348 Tubes)
SA249, Gr TP348 E347-15
P1 to P1 SA266,Class-1,2,3
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
P7 to P7 SA268, Gr-TP430
(430 General Purpose Tubing)
SA268, Gr-TP430
(430 General Purpose Tubing)
P1 to P1 SA283, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA283, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P1 SA283, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA283, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P8 SA283, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P1 SA283, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA283, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P1 SA283, Gr-D
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA283, Gr-D
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P1 SA285, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA285, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P42 SA285, Gr-A
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB127, UNS N04400
(63Ni30Cu Plate)
P1 to P1 SA285, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA285, Gr-B
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P8 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
E309       ER309 ER309
P1 to P8 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(316 Heat-resistant SS Plate)
P1 to P8 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
ENiCrFe-3 E316LT-1
P1 to P1 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P5A SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA387, Gr-22,
(2 1/4Cr Plate)
P1 to P5A SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA387, Gr-22,
(2 1/4Cr Plate)
P1 to P42 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB127, UNS N04400
(NiCu Plate)
P1 to P41 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB162, UNS N02200,
2201 (Nickel-99%)
P1 to P43 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB168, UNS N066xx ERNiCr-3 Multiple 6600 series alloys, need more info
P1 to P45 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
ERNiCr-3 Includes alloys 8800, 8810, 8811
P1 to P45 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB463, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Plate)
E320-15 Includes alloys 8020, 8024, 8026
P1 to P44 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB575, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Plate)
P3 to P3 SA285, Gr-C
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA302, Gr-C
(Alloy Steel Plate MnMoNi)
E9018-M E91T1-K2
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 Pipe)
P8 to P1 SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 Pipe)
SA53, Gr-B,-ERW
Carbon Steel Pipe)
P8 to P45 SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 Pipe)
SB464, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Pipe)
Includes alloys 8020, 8024, 8026
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP304H
(304H Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP304H
(304H Pipe)
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP304L
(304L Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP304L
(304L Pipe)
E308L   ER308L ER308L
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP309
(309 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP309
(309 Pipe)
E309-15  ER309 ER309
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP310
(310 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP310
(310 Pipe)
E310-15  ER310 ER310
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP316
(316 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP316
(316 Pipe)
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP316L
(316L Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP316L
(316L Pipe)
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP317
(317 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP317
(317 Pipe)
E317-15  ER317 ER317
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP321
(321 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP321
(321 Pipe)
E347-15  ER347 ER347
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP347
(347 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP347
(347 Pipe)
E347-15  ER347 ER347
P8 to P8 SA312, Gr-TP348
(348 Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP348
(348 Pipe)
P1 to P8 SA333, Gr-1
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P1 SA333, Gr-1
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA333, Gr-1
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
P9B to P9B SA333, Gr-3
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA333, Gr-3
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
P4 to P4 SA333, Gr-4
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA333, Gr-4
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
P1 to P8 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 SS Pipe)
P1 to P8 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA312, Gr-TP304L
(304L SS Pipe)
P1 to P8 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA312, Gr-TP316
(316 SS Pipe)
P1 to P8 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA312, Gr-TP316L
(316L SS Pipe)
P1 to P1 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
P1 to P1 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA350, Gr-LF2
(Low Alloy Forgings)
P1 to P8 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA358, Gr-316L
(316L EFW Pipe)
P1 to P1 SA333, Gr-6
(Carbon Steel Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
P3 to P3 SA335, Gr-P1
(C1 1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P1
(C1 1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
P4 to P8 SA335, Gr-P11
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA312, Gr-TP304
(304 SS Pipe)
P4 to P4 SA335, Gr-P11
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P11
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
ER80S-B2 Y
P4 to P5A SA335, Gr-P11
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
ER80S-B2 Y
P3 to P3 SA335, Gr-P2
(1/2Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P2
(1/2Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
P5A to P5A SA335, Gr-P22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
ER90S-B3 Y
P5B to P6 SA335, Gr-P5
(5Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA268, Gr TP410 E410-16
P5B to P5B SA335, Gr-P5
(5Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P5
(5Cr1/2Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
ER80S-B6 Y
P5B to P5B SA335, Gr-P9
(9Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P9
(9Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
E8018-B8l Y
P5B to P5B SA335, Gr-P91
(9Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA335, Gr-P91
(9Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
P3 to P3 SA352, Gr-LC1
(Steel Castings for Low-Temp Service)
SA352, Gr-LC1
(Steel  Castings for Low-Temp Service)
P9A to P9A SA352, Gr-LC2
(NiCrMo Castings for Low-Temp Service)
SA352, Gr-LC2
(NiCrMo Castings for Low-Temp Service)
P9B to P9B SA352, Gr-LC3
(3-1/2%-Ni Castings for Low-Temp Service)
SA352, Gr-LC3
(3-1/2%-Ni Castings for Low-Temp Service)
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-304
(304 SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-304
(304 SS EFW Pipe)
E308-15  ER308 ER308
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-304L
(304L SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-304L
(304L SS EFW Pipe)
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-309
(309 SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-309
(309 SS EFW Pipe)
E309-15  ER309 ER309
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-310
(310 SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-310
(310 SS EFW Pipe)
E310-15  ER310 ER310
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-316
(316 SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-316
(316 SS EFW Pipe)
E316-15  ER316 ER316
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-316L
(316L SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-316L
(316L SS EFW Pipe)
ER316L E316LT-1
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-321
(321 SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-321
(321 SS EFW Pipe)
E347-15  ER347 ER347
P8 to P8 SA358, Gr-348
(348 SS EFW Pipe)
SA358, Gr-348
(348 SS EFW Pipe)
E347-15  ER347 ER347
P1 to P8 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
E 309
P1 to P8 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P6 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
(410 Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P1 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
(Carbon Structural Steel)
P1 to P3 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
(MnMoNi Plate)
E7018 ER70S-6 Y
P1 to P31 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
SB152, UNS C10200
(Copper Plate
P1 to P45 SA36
(Carbon Structural Steel)
SB625, UNS N089xx
(25/20 NiCr Plate)
E309-16 Includes 8904, 8925, 8926, 8932
P3 to P3 SA369, Gr-FP1
(C-1/2Mo Forged or bored Pipe)
SA369, Gr-FP1
(C-1/2Mo Forged or bored Pipe)
P4 to P4 SA369, Gr-FP11
(1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo Forged or bored Pipe)
SA369, Gr-FP11
(1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo Forged or bored Pipe)
ER80S-B2 E80C-B2 Y
P4 to P4 SA369, Gr-FP12
(1Cr-1/2Mo Forged or bored Pipe)
SA369, Gr-FP12
(1Cr-1/2Mo Forged or bored Pipe)
P3 to P3 SA369, Gr-FP2
(CrMo Forged or bored Pipe)
SA369, Gr-FP2
(CrMo Forged or bored Pipe)
P8 to P8 SA376, Gr-TP304
(304 SS SMLS Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
SA376, Gr-TP304
(304 SS SMLS Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
P4 to P8 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P4 to P4 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4 Cr 1/2Mo Plate)
P4 to P8 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P4 to P8 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
(316 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P4 to P7 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
P4 to P4 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4 Cr 1/2 Mo Plate)
ER80S-B2 Y
P5A to P8 SA387, Gr-11,
(1 1/4Cr1/2Mo Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P5A to P5A SA387, Gr-22                        (2
1/4Cr1Mo Plate)
SA387, Gr-22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Plate)
ER90S-B3 Y
P5B to P8 SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P5B to P5B SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
ER80S-B6 Y
P5B to P8 SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P5B to P7 SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
P5B to P5B SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
SA387, Gr-5,
(5Cr1/2Mo  Plate)
P8 to P8 SA409, Gr-TP304
(304 SS large Dia. Pipe)
SA312, Gr-TP347
(347 Pipe)
P1 to P1 SA414, Gr-G
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA414, Gr-G
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
Eni-1 Includes alloys 8800, 8810, 8811
P1 to P3 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA204, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Molybdenum)
P1 to P8 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(316L Heat-resistant SS Plate)
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P41 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB162, UNS N02200, 2201
P1 to P43 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB168, UNS N066xx ENiCrFe-3 Multiple 6600 series alloys, need more info
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
ER70S-2 ER70S-3
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-55
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P8 SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P7 SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
E7018 ER70S-3
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-60
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-65
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
P1 to P9B SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA203, Gr-D
(Alloy Steel, Nickel Plate)
P1 to P9B SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA203, Gr-E
(Alloy Steel, Nickel Plate)
P1 to P3 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA203, Gr-B
(Alloy Steel, Nickel Plate)
P1 to P3 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA203, Gr-C
(Alloy Steel, Nickel Plate)
P1 to P10H SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA240, Gr S31803 E309LMo Gr S31803  UNS N0t in current SectII
P1 to P10H SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA240, Gr S32550 ENiCrFe-3 Gr S32550  UNS N0t in current SectII
P1 to P8 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(304 SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P8 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(304H SS Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P8 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA240, Gr-304L
(304L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
E309L-16 ER309L
P1 to P8 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(316L SS Heat-resistant Plate)
ERNiCrFe-3 E309LT-1
P1 to P7 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
(410S Heat-resistant Plate)
P1 to P3 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA302, Gr-C
(Alloy Steel Plate MnMoNi)
P1 to P4 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA387SA387, Gr-22
(2 1/4Cr Plate)
P1 to P5A SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA387, Gr-22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Plate)
E9018-B3 Y
P1 to P5B SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA387, Gr-5
(5Cr1/2Mo Plate)
E8018-B1 Y
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P1 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P42 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB127, UNS N04400
(63Ni30Cu Plate)
P1 to P41 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB162, UNS N02200, N02201
Eni-1 ERNi-1
P1 to P41 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB163, UNS N02200, N02201
P1 to P44 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB333, UNS UNS N0.-N1000
(NiMo Plate)
ENiCrFe-2 Includes N10001, N10629, N10665, N10675
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
ENiCrFe-2 Includes alloys 8800, 8810,
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB424, UNS N08821, 8825
(NiFeCrMoCu Plate)
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB425, UNS N08821, 8825
(NiFeCrMoCu  Rod & Bar)
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB463, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Plate)
ENiCrMo-3 E309LT-1 Includes alloys 8020, 8024,
P1 to P44 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB574, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Rod)
P1 to P44 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB575, UNS N060xx ENiCrMo-1 Multiple N60XX specs. Need
P1 to P44 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB575, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Plate)
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB625, UNS N089xx
(NiCrMoCu Plate)
Multiple 8900 series alloys, need more info
P1 to P45 SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
SB688, UNS N08366, N08367
(CrNiMoFe Plate)
P1 to P1 SA53, Gr-A,-ERW
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
SA53, Gr-B,-ERW
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
P1 to P5A SA53, Gr-B,-ERW
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
SA335, Gr-P22
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Pipe for Hi-Temp Service)
P1 to P1 SA53, Gr-B,-ERW
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
SA53, Gr-B,-ERW
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
P1 to P1 SA53, Gr-B,-ERW
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
SA53, Gr-B,-Seamless
(Carbon Steel Pipe)
P1 to P3 SA533,Type-A
(MnMo  Plate)
(MnMo Plate)
E11018-M E110T5-K4 Y
P1 to P9B SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
SA203, Gr-E
(Carbon Steel Plate)
ER80S-Ni3 Y
P1 to P1 SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
(MnMo Plate)
P1 to P1 SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
P1 to P42 SA533,Type-A
(MnMo Plate)
SB127, UNS N04400
(NiCu Plate)
P1 to P9B SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
SA203, Gr-E
(Carbon Steel Plate)
ER80S-Ni3 Y
P1 to P9B SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
SA203, Gr-E
(Carbon Steel Plate)
ER80S-Ni3 Y
P1 to P1 SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
E10018-M Y
P1 to P1 SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
P1 to P9B SA537,Cl.-1<=2-1/2″
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
SA203, Gr-E
(Carbon Steel Plate)
ER80S-Ni3 Y
P1 to P1 SA541, Gr1
(Carbon Steel Forgings)
(CMnSi Steel, Heat-treated Plate)
P5C to P5C SA542,Type-A
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Plate)
(2 1/4Cr1Mo Plate)
ER90S-B3 Y
P10C to P10C SA612
(Carbon Steel for Low-Temp Service)
(Carbon Steel for Low-Temp Service)
ER80S-D2 ER80S-D2
P1 to P1 SA671, GrCC65
(Carbon Steel, Killed, Fine Grain, EFW Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA515, Gr-70
(Carbon Steel Plate)
P1 to P1 SA671, GrCC70
(Carbon Steel, Killed, Fine Grain, EFW Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
SA671, GrCC70
(Carbon Steel, Killed, Fine Grain, EFW Pipe for Low-Temp Service)
P42 to P42 SB127, UNS N04400
(63Ni30Cu Plate)
SB127, UNS N04400
(63Ni30Cu Plate)
P42 to P43 SB127, UNS N04400
(63Ni30Cu Plate)
SB168, UNS N066XX ENiCrFe-3 High Nickel/Chrome, need final two digits to determine composition
P35 to P35 SB148, UNS C952 SB148, UNS C952XX ERCuAl-A2
P41 to P41 SB160, UNS N02200,
N02201  (99% Ni Rod & Bar)
SB160, UNS N02200,
N02201  (99% Ni Rod & Bar)
P41 to P41 SB161, UNS N02200, N02201
(99% Ni SMLS Pipe)
SB161, UNS N02200, N02201
(99% Ni SMLS Pipe)
ENi-1         ERNi-1 ERNi-1
P41 to P41 SB162, UNS N02200, N02201
(99% Ni Plate)
SB162, UNS N02200, N02201
(99% Ni Plate)
P42 to P42 SB165, UNS N04400
(63Ni28Cu SMLS Pipe)
SB165, UNS N04400
(63Ni28Cu SMLS Pipe)
P43 to P43 SB168, UNS N066xx SB168, UNS N066xx ENiCrFe-5
ERNiCrFe-5 High Nickel/Chrome, need final two digits to determine composition
P43 to P43 SB168, UNS N066xx SB168, UNS N066xx High Nickel/Chrome, need final two digits to determine composition
P34 to P34 SB171, UNS C70600
(90Cu10Ni Plate)
SB171, UNS C70600
(90Cu10Ni Plate)
P34 to P34 SB171, UNS C71500
(70Cu30Ni Plate)
SB171, UNS C71500
(70Cu30Ni Plate)
P21 to P21 SB209,Alclad-3003
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
P21 to P22 SB209,Alclad-3003
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
P23 to P25 SB209-6061
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(95Al,5Mn Plate)
P21 to P21 SB209,Alclad-3003
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
ER4043 x
P22 to P22 SB209,Alclad-3004
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
ER4043 x
P22 to P22 SB209,Alclad-3004
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
ER5654 x
P22 to P23 SB209,Alclad-3004
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
P25 to P25 SB209-5456
(95Al,5Mn Plate)
(95Al,5Mn Plate)
ER5183 x
P23 to P23 SB209-6061
(99% Aluminum Plate)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
ER4043 x
P21 to P22 SB210,Alclad-3003
(99% Aluminum SMLS Tube)
(99% Aluminum Plate)
P21 to P22 SB210,Alclad-3003
(99% Aluminum SMLS Tube)
(Al,Mn SMLS Tube)
P23 to P23 SB210-6061/6063
(99% Aluminum SMLS Pipe)
(99% Aluminum SMLS Pipe)
P25 to P25 SB241-5083,5086,5456
(Al,Mn SMLS extruded Pipe)
(Al,Mn SMLS extruded Pipe)
ER5183 ER5183
P51 to P51 SB265, Grade-2
(Unalloyed Titanium Plate)
SB265, Grade-2
(Unalloyed Titanium Plate)
P44 to P44 SB333, UNS UNS N0.-N10xxx
(NiMo Plate)
SB333, UNS UNS N0.-N10xxx
(NiMo Plate)
ERNiMo-7 Includes N10001, N10629, N10665, N10675
P45 to P45 SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
SB409, UNS N088xx
(NiFeCr Plate)
ERNiCr-3 Includes alloys 8800, 8810, 8811
P45 to P45 SB423, UNS N08825
(NiFeCrMoCu SMLS Pipe)
SB423, UNS N08825
(NiFeCrMoCu SMLS Pipe)
P45 to P45 SB424, UNS N08825
(NiFeCrMoCu Plate)
SB424, UNS N08825
(NiFeCrMoCu Plate)
ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-3
P32 to P32 SB43, UNS C2300
(Red Brass SMLS Pipe)
SB43, UNS C2300
(Red Brass SMLS Pipe)
P45 to P45 SB463, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Plate)
SB625, UNS N089xx
(NiCrMoCu Plate)
ENiCrMo-3 SB625-Multiple 8900 series- alloys, need more info
SB 463-Includes alloys 8020, 8024, 8026
P45 to P45 SB463, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Plate)
SB463, UNS N080xx
(NiCrMo Plate)
E320-15  ER320 Includes alloys 8020, 8024, 8026
P45 to P45 SB464, UNS N08020-Annealed
(NiCrCuMo Pipe)
SB464, UNS N08020-Annealed
(NiCrCuMo Pipe)
P34 to P34 SB466, UNS C70600
(90Cu10Ni Pipe)
SB466, UNS C70600
(90Cu10Ni Pipe)
P44 to P44 SB574, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Rod)
SB574, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Rod)
P44 to P45 SB575, UNS N060xx SB464, UNS N08020-Annealed
(NiCrCuMo Pipe)
P44 to P44 SB575, UNS N060xx SB575, UNS N060 ENiCrMo-4
Multiple N60XX specs. Need
P44 to P44 SB575, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Plate)
SB575, UNS N10276
(Low Carbon NiMoCrW Plate)
P44 to P44 SB619, UNS N102xx
(NiCrMo alloy Pipe)
SB619, UNS N102xx
(NiCrMo alloy Pipe)
ERNiCrMo-4 Alloys in 102xx seris vary in composition, need exact alloy
P45 to P45 SB625, UNS N089xx
(NiCrMoCu Plate)
SB625, UNS N089xx
(NiCrMoCu Plate)
Multiple 8900 series alloys, need more info
P45 to P45 SB688, UNS N08366,
N08367 (CrNiMoFe Plate)
SB688, UNS N08366, N08367
(CrNiMoFe Plate)
P45 to P45 SB688, UNS N08366,
N08367 (CrNiMoFe Plate)
SB688, UNS N08366, N08367
(CrNiMoFe Plate)

Guidelines for Welding Electrodes Handling and Storage

Proper electrode handling and storage are essential to maintaining electrode performance and preventing weld defects. Key practices include:

  • Dry Storage: Keep electrodes in dry conditions to avoid moisture absorption. This is especially important for low-hydrogen electrodes (e.g., E7018), which require storage in a holding oven at 120–150°C.
  • Conditioning Before Use: Electrodes exposed to moisture should be dried before use in an oven (e.g., 260–430°C for E7018). Improper drying can lead to hydrogen-induced cracking.
  • Handling Practices: Avoid dropping or damaging the electrode coating, as cracks or chips can affect the welding arc and lead to poor-quality welds.

Common User Concerns and Solutions

1. Cracking

  • Problem: Cracking in the weld or heat-affected zone (HAZ).
  • Solution: Use low-hydrogen electrodes (E7018) and preheat thick or highly restrained joints to minimize residual stresses.

2. Porosity

  • Problem: Presence of gas pockets in the weld.
  • Solution: Ensure proper electrode storage to avoid moisture, and clean the base material before welding to remove oils, rust, or paint.

3. Undercutting

  • Problem: Excessive groove formation along the weld toe.
  • Solution: Use appropriate welding parameters (current and travel speed) and avoid excessive heat input.


Choosing the right Welding Electrodes is essential for achieving high-quality welds in steel pipes, plates, fittings, flanges, and valves. By considering factors such as the base material, welding position, mechanical properties, and environment, you can ensure a strong and durable weld. Proper handling and storage of electrodes also contribute to preventing common welding issues like cracking and porosity. This guideline serves as a comprehensive reference to help users make informed decisions in electrode selection, ensuring optimal results in welding operations.